Scott Pezanowski
Scott Pezanowski
BrightWorld Labs, College of Information Sciences and Technology, The GeoVISTA Center, Penn State
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SensePlace2: Geotwitter analytics support for situational awareness
AM MacEachren, A Jaiswal, AC Robinson, S Pezanowski, A Savelyev, ...
Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST), 2011 IEEE Conference on, 181-190, 2011
Geo-twitter analytics: Applications in crisis management
AM MacEachren, AC Robinson, A Jaiswal, S Pezanowski, A Savelyev, ...
25th international cartographic conference, 3-8, 2011
GeoTxt: A scalable geoparsing system for unstructured text geolocation
M Karimzadeh, S Pezanowski, AM MacEachren, JO Wallgrün
Transactions in GIS 23 (1), 118-136, 2019
GeoCorpora: building a corpus to test and train microblog geoparsers
JO Wallgrün, M Karimzadeh, AM MacEachren, S Pezanowski
International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 1-29, 2017
GeoTxt: a web API to leverage place references in text
M Karimzadeh, W Huang, S Banerjee, JO Wallgrün, F Hardisty, ...
Proceedings of the 7th workshop on geographic information retrieval, 72-73, 2013
SensePlace3: a geovisual framework to analyze place–time–attribute information in social media
S Pezanowski, AM MacEachren, A Savelyev, AC Robinson
Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 1-18, 2017
Design and evaluation of a geovisual analytics system for uncovering patterns in spatio-temporal event data
AC Robinson, DJ Peuquet, S Pezanowski, FA Hardisty, B Swedberg
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 44 (3), 216-228, 2017
Symbol Store: Sharing map symbols for emergency management
AC Robinson, S Pezanowski, S Troedson, R Bianchetti, J Blanford, ...
Cartography and Geographic Information Science 40 (5), 415-426, 2013
HerbariaViz: A web-based client–server interface for mapping and exploring flora observation data
T Auer, AM MacEachren, C McCabe, S Pezanowski, M Stryker
Ecological Informatics 6 (2), 93-110, 2011
Developing map symbol standards through an iterative collaboration process
AC Robinson, RE Roth, J Blanford, S Pezanowski, AM MacEachren
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 39 (6), 1034-1048, 2012
HEALTH GeoJunction: place-time-concept browsing of health publications
AM MacEachren, MS Stryker, IJ Turton, S Pezanowski
International journal of health geographics 9, 1-17, 2010
Supporting geographically-aware web document foraging and sensemaking
B Tomaszewski, J Blanford, K Ross, S Pezanowski, AM MacEachren
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 35 (3), 192-207, 2011
Social Triangulation: A new method to identify local citizens using social media and their local information curation behaviors
R Grace, J Kropczynski, S Pezanowski, S Halse, P Umar, A Tapia
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Systems for …, 2017
Supporting humanitarian relief logistics operations through online geocollaborative knowledge management
BM Tomaszewski, AM MacEachren, S Pezanowski, X Liu, I Turton
Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Digital government …, 2006
An open geospatial standards-enabled google earth application to support crisis management
S Pezanowski, B Tomaszewski, AM MacEachren
Geomatics solutions for disaster management, 225-238, 2007
Construction and first analysis of a corpus for the evaluation and training of microblog/twitter geoparsers
JO Wallgrün, F Hardisty, AM MacEachren, M Karimzadeh, Y Ju, ...
Proceedings of the 8th workshop on geographic information retrieval, 1-8, 2014
Understanding the utility of geospatial information in social media.
AC Robinson, A Savelyev, S Pezanowski, AM MacEachren
ISCRAM, 2013
A collaborative process for developing map symbol standards
AC Robinson, RE Roth, J Blanford, S Pezanowski, AM MacEachren
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 21, 93-102, 2011
GeoCAM: A geovisual analytics workspace to contextualize and interpret statements about movement
A Jaiswal, S Pezanowski, P Mitra, X Zhang, S Xu, I Turton, A Klippel, ...
Journal of Spatial Information Science 2011 (3), 65-101, 2011
Enhancing emergency communication with social media: Identifying hyperlocal social media users and information sources
R Grace, J Kropczynski, S Pezanowski, S Halse, P Umar, A Tapia
International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and …, 2018
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