Luis Paulo Santos
Luis Paulo Santos
Professor at Departamento de Informatica, Universidade do Minho
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Citat de
Citat de
A local model of eye adaptation for high dynamic range images
P Ledda, LP Santos, A Chalmers
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Computer graphics …, 2004
Spherical Fibonacci point sets for illumination integrals
R Marques, C Bouville, M Ribardiere, LP Santos, K Bouatouch
Computer Graphics Forum 32 (8), 134-143, 2013
Efficient generic face model fitting to images and videos
L Unzueta, W Pimenta, J Goenetxea, LP Santos, F Dornaika
Image and Vision Computing 32 (5), 321-334, 2014
There-reality: selective rendering in high fidelity virtual environments
A Chalmers, K Debattista, G Mastoropoulou, L Paulo dos Santos
The International Journal of Virtual Reality 6 (1), 1-10, 2007
clOpenCL - Supporting Distributed Heterogeneous Computing in HPC Clusters
A Alves, J Rufino, A Pina, LP Santos
European Conference on Parallel Processing, 112-122, 2012
Selective component-based rendering
K Debattista, V Sundstedt, LP Santos, A Chalmers
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Computer graphics and …, 2005
Policy gradients using variational quantum circuits
A Sequeira, LP Santos, LS Barbosa
Quantum Machine Intelligence 5 (1), 18, 2023
A spherical Gaussian framework for Bayesian Monte Carlo rendering of glossy surfaces
R Marques, C Bouville, M Ribardière, LP Santos, K Bouatouch
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 19 (10), 1619-1632, 2013
Selective rendering: computing only what you see
A Chalmers, K Debattista, LP dos Santos
Proceedings of the 4th international conference on Computer graphics and …, 2006
Accelerating the irradiance cache through parallel component-based rendering
K Debattista, LP Santos, A Chalmers
Automatic traffic signs inventory using a mobile mapping system for gis applications
SR Madeira, LC Bastos, AM Sousa, JF Sobral, LP Santos
International Conference and Exhibition on Geographic Information, 2005
An integrated approach to develop professional and technical skills for informatics engineering students
JM Fernandes, N van Hattum-Janssen, AN Ribeiro, V Fonte, LP Santos, ...
Taylor & Francis, 2012
Wait-free shared-memory irradiance caching
K Debattista, P Dubla, L Santos, A Chalmers
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications 31 (5), 66-78, 2010
Improving FEM crash simulation accuracy through local thickness estimation based on CAD data
V Ferreira, LP Santos, M Franzen, OO Ghouati, R Simoes
Advances in Engineering Software 71, 52-62, 2014
Instant caching for interactive global illumination
K Debattista, P Dubla, F Banterle, LP Santos, A Chalmers
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (8), 2216-2228, 2009
GPU ray casting
R Marques, LP Santos, P Leskovsky, C Paloc
Grupo Português de Computação Gráfica, 2009
Efficient quadrature rules for illumination integrals: From quasi Monte Carlo to Bayesian Monte Carlo
R Marques, C Bouville, LP Santos, K Bouatouch
Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2015
Towards quantum ray tracing
LP Santos, T Bashford-Rogers, J Barbosa, P Navrátil
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2024
A quantum algorithm for ray casting using an orthographic camera
C Alves, LP Santos, T Bashford-Rogers
2019 International Conference on Graphics and Interaction (ICGI), 56-63, 2019
VQC-based reinforcement learning with data re-uploading: performance and trainability
R Coelho, A Sequeira, L Paulo Santos
Quantum Machine Intelligence 6 (2), 53, 2024
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