English learners and restrictive language policies P Gándara, M Hopkins New York, Columbia University, Teachers College, 102-117, 2010 | 703 | 2010 |
English learners in STEM subjects: Transforming classrooms, schools, and lives A Stephens, D Francis National Academies Press, 2018 | 339 | 2018 |
Infrastructure redesign and instructional reform in mathematics: Formal structure and teacher leadership M Hopkins, JP Spillane, P Jakopovic, RM Heaton The elementary school journal 114 (2), 200-224, 2013 | 208 | 2013 |
Forbidden language: A brief history of US language policy P Gándara, D Losen, D August, M Uriarte, MC Gómez, M Hopkins Forbidden language: English learners and restrictive language policies, 20-33, 2010 | 173 | 2010 |
School district educational infrastructure and change at scale: Teacher peer interactions and their beliefs about mathematics instruction JP Spillane, M Hopkins, TM Sweet American educational research journal 55 (3), 532-571, 2018 | 172 | 2018 |
Intra-and interschool interactions about instruction: Exploring the conditions for social capital development JP Spillane, M Hopkins, TM Sweet American Journal of Education 122 (1), 71-110, 2015 | 171 | 2015 |
Organizing for instruction in education systems and school organizations: how the subject matters JP Spillane, M Hopkins Journal of Curriculum Studies 45 (6), 721-747, 2013 | 170 | 2013 |
Fully accounting for English learner performance: A key issue in ESEA reauthorization M Hopkins, KD Thompson, R Linquanti, K Hakuta, D August Educational Researcher 42 (2), 101-108, 2013 | 167 | 2013 |
Educational infrastructure, professional learning, and changes in teachers’ instructional practices and beliefs M Shirrell, M Hopkins, JP Spillane Professional development in education 45 (4), 599-613, 2019 | 155 | 2019 |
Organizing English learner instruction in new immigrant destinations: District infrastructure and subject-specific school practice M Hopkins, R Lowenhaupt, TM Sweet American Educational Research Journal 52 (3), 408-439, 2015 | 147 | 2015 |
High-quality early education: Age of entry and time in care differences in student outcomes for English-only and dual language learners N Yazejian, D Bryant, K Freel, M Burchinal Early childhood research quarterly 32, 23-39, 2015 | 122 | 2015 |
Assistive technology for students with visual impairments and blindness AM Mulloy, C Gevarter, M Hopkins, KS Sutherland, ST Ramdoss Assistive technologies for people with diverse abilities, 113-156, 2014 | 101 | 2014 |
Schoolhouse teacher educators: Structuring beginning teachers’ opportunities to learn about instruction M Hopkins, JP Spillane Journal of Teacher Education 65 (4), 327-339, 2014 | 98 | 2014 |
The changing linguistic landscape of the United States P Gándara, M Hopkins Forbidden language: English learners and restrictive language policies, 7-19, 2010 | 95 | 2010 |
Cultivating capital: Latino newcomer young men in a US urban high school M Hopkins, M Martinez‐Wenzl, US Aldana, P Gándara Anthropology & Education Quarterly 44 (3), 286-303, 2013 | 91 | 2013 |
Beliefs in context: Understanding language policy implementation at a systems level M Hopkins Educational Policy 30 (4), 573-605, 2016 | 84 | 2016 |
Conceptualizing relations between instructional guidance infrastructure (IGI) and teachers’ beliefs about mathematics instruction: Regulative, normative, and cultural-cognitive … M Hopkins, JP Spillane Journal of Educational Change 16, 421-450, 2015 | 83 | 2015 |
School system (re) design: Developing educational infrastructures to support school leadership and teaching practice M Hopkins, SL Woulfin Journal of educational change 16, 371-377, 2015 | 82 | 2015 |
Designing and deploying a professional learning community (PLC) organizational routine: Bureaucratic and collegial arrangements in tandem JP Spillane, M Shirrell, M Hopkins Les dossiers des sciences de l’éducation, 97-122, 2016 | 79 | 2016 |
Mathematics coaching and instructional reform: Individual and collective change M Hopkins, D Ozimek, TM Sweet The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 46, 215-230, 2017 | 76 | 2017 |