Hui Xu
Hui Xu
Associate Professor, Fudan University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe fudan.edu.cn - Pagina de pornire
Citat de
Citat de
Towards continuous and passive authentication via touch biometrics: An experimental study on smartphones
H Xu, Y Zhou, MR Lyu
10th Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), 187-198, 2014
Towards Intelligent Incident Management: Why We Need It and HowWe Make It
Z Chen, Y Kang, L Li, X Zhang, H Zhang, H Xu, Y Zhou, L Yang, J Sun, ...
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint European Software Engineer-ing Conference …, 2020
Memory-safety challenge considered solved? An in-depth study with all Rust CVEs
H Xu, Z Chen, M Sun, Y Zhou, MR Lyu
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 31 (1), 1-25, 2021
Layered obfuscation: a taxonomy of software obfuscation techniques for layered security
H Xu, Y Zhou, J Ming, M Lyu
Cybersecurity 3, 1-18, 2020
Deep Validation: Toward Detecting Real-world Corner Cases for Deep Neural Networks
W Wu, H Xu, S Zhong, MR Lyu, I King
Proceedings of the 49th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable …, 2019
RULF: Rust library fuzzing via API dependency graph traversal
J Jiang, H Xu, Y Zhou
2021 36th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software …, 2021
SafeDrop: Detecting memory deallocation bugs of rust programs via static data-flow analysis
M Cui, C Chen, H Xu, Y Zhou
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology 32 (4), 1-21, 2023
Ar-tracker: Track the dynamics of mobile apps via user review mining
C Gao, H Xu, J Hu, Y Zhou
2015 IEEE Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering, 284-290, 2015
On Secure and Usable Program Obfuscation: A Survey
H Xu, Y Zhou, Y Kang, MR Lyu
https://arxiv.org/pdf/1710.01139.pdf, 2017
DiagDroid: Android performance diagnosis via anatomizing asynchronous executions
Y Kang, Y Zhou, H Xu, MR Lyu
Proceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on …, 2016
NV-DNN: Towards Fault-Tolerant DNN Systems with N-Version Programming
H Xu, Z Chen, W Wu, Z Jin, S Kuo, MR Lyu
the 2nd Workshop on Dependable and Secure Machine Learning, 2019
Benchmarking the capability of symbolic execution tools with logic bombs
H Xu, Z Zhao, Y Zhou, MR Lyu
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 17 (6), 1243-1256, 2018
Deepobfuscation: Securing the structure of convolutional neural networks via knowledge distillation
H Xu, Y Su, Z Zhao, Y Zhou, MR Lyu, I King
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.10313, 2018
Manufacturing resilient bi-opaque predicates against symbolic execution
H Xu, Y Zhou, Y Kang, F Tu, M Lyu
2018 48th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2018
N-version obfuscation
H Xu, Y Zhou, M Lyu
Proceedings of the 2Nd ACM International Workshop on Cyber-Physical System …, 2016
SpyAware: Investigating the privacy leakage signatures in app execution traces
H Xu, Y Zhou, C Gao, Y Kang, MR Lyu
2015 IEEE 26th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2015
Concolic execution on small-size binaries: Challenges and empirical study
H Xu, Y Zhou, Y Kang, MR Lyu
2017 47th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems …, 2017
foREST: A Tree-based Black-box Fuzzing Approach for RESTful APIs
J Lin, T Li, Y Chen, G Wei, J Lin, S Zhang, H Xu
2023 IEEE 34th International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering …, 2023
Boosting symbolic execution via constraint solving time prediction (experience paper)
S Luo, H Xu, Y Bi, X Wang, Y Zhou
Proceedings of the 30th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Software …, 2021
Is unsafe an Achilles' Heel? A Comprehensive Study of Safety Requirements in Unsafe Rust Programming
M Cui, S Sun, H Xu, Y Zhou
46th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE), 2024
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