PK Ghosh
PK Ghosh
National Director and Vice Chancellor, ICAR-NIBSM, Raipur, C.G.
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Bioenergy and economic analysis of soybean-based crop production systems in central India
KG Mandal, KP Saha, PK Ghosh, KM Hati, KK Bandyopadhyay
Biomass and bioenergy 23 (5), 337-345, 2002
Growth, yield, competition and economics of groundnut/cereal fodder intercropping systems in the semi-arid tropics of India
PK Ghosh
Field crops research 88 (2-3), 227-237, 2004
Rice residue-management options and effects on soil properties and crop productivity
KG Mandal, AK Misra, KM Hati, KK Bandyopadhyay, PK Ghosh, ...
Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment 2, 224-231, 2004
Comparative effectiveness of cattle manure, poultry manure, phosphocompost and fertilizer-NPK on three cropping systems in vertisols of semi-arid tropics. I. Crop yields and …
PK Ghosh, P Ramesh, KK Bandyopadhyay, AK Tripathi, KM Hati, ...
Bioresource technology 95 (1), 77-83, 2004
Effect of integrated use of farmyard manure and chemical fertilizers on soil physical properties and productivity of soybean
KK Bandyopadhyay, AK Misra, PK Ghosh, KM Hati
Soil and Tillage research 110 (1), 115-125, 2010
Effect of inorganic fertilizer and farmyard manure on soil physical properties, root distribution, and water-use efficiency of soybean in Vertisols of central India
KM Hati, KG Mandal, AK Misra, PK Ghosh, KK Bandyopadhyay
Bioresource technology 97 (16), 2182-2188, 2006
Evaluation of straw and polythene mulch for enhancing productivity of irrigated summer groundnut
PK Ghosh, D Dayal, KK Bandyopadhyay, M Mohanty
Field Crops Research 99 (2-3), 76-86, 2006
Interspecific interaction and nutrient use in soybean/sorghum intercropping system
PK Ghosh, MC Manna, KK Bandyopadhyay, Ajay, AK Tripathi, RH Wanjari, ...
Agronomy journal 98 (4), 1097-1108, 2006
Legume effect for enhancing productivity and nutrient use-efficiency in major cropping systems–an Indian perspective: a review
PK Ghosh, KK Bandyopadhyay, RH Wanjari, MC Manna, AK Misra, ...
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture 30 (1), 59-86, 2007
Conservation agriculture towards achieving food security in North East India
PK Ghosh, A Das, R Saha, E Kharkrang, AK Tripathi, GC Munda, ...
Current Science, 915-921, 2010
Soil quality effects of tillage and residue under rice–wheat cropping on a Vertisol in India
M Mohanty, DK Painuli, AK Misra, PK Ghosh
Soil and Tillage Research 92 (1-2), 243-250, 2007
Assessment of nutrient competition and nutrient requirement in soybean/sorghum intercropping system
PK Ghosh, AK Tripathi, KK Bandyopadhyay, MC Manna
European journal of agronomy 31 (1), 43-50, 2009
Soil organic matter in a West Bengal Inceptisol after 30 years of multiple cropping and fertilization
MC Manna, A Swarup, RH Wanjari, YV Singh, PK Ghosh, KN Singh, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 70 (1), 121-129, 2006
Evaluation of yield and physiological attributes of high-yielding rice varieties under aerobic and flood-irrigated management practices in mid-hills ecosystem
DP Patel, A Das, GC Munda, PK Ghosh, JS Bordoloi, M Kumar
Agricultural water management 97 (9), 1269-1276, 2010
Long-term continuous cropping, fertilisation, and manuring effects on physical properties and organic carbon content of a sandy loam soil
KM Hati, A Swarup, D Singh, AK Misra, PK Ghosh
Soil Research 44 (5), 487-495, 2006
Comparative efficacy of three epigeic earthworms under different deciduous forest litters decomposition
MC Manna, S Jha, PK Ghosh, CL Acharya
Bioresource Technology 88 (3), 197-206, 2003
Long-term effect of pulses and nutrient management on soil carbon sequestration in Indo-Gangetic plains of India
MS Venkatesh, KK Hazra, PK Ghosh, CS Praharaj, N Kumar
Canadian Journal of Soil Science 93 (1), 127-136, 2013
Growth, competition, yield advantage and economics in soybean/pigeonpea intercropping system in semi-arid tropics of India: I. Effect of subsoiling
PK Ghosh, M Mohanty, KK Bandyopadhyay, DK Painuli, AK Misra
Field Crops Research 96 (1), 80-89, 2006
Influence of tillage practices and nutrient management on crack parameters in a Vertisol of central India
KK Bandyopadhyay, M Mohanty, DK Painuli, AK Misra, KM Hati, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 71 (2), 133-142, 2003
Climate change in North East India: recent facts and events–worry for agricultural management
A Das, PK Ghosh, BU Choudhury, DP Patel, GC Munda, SV Ngachan, ...
Proceedings of the workshop on impact of climate change on agriculture 2009 …, 2009
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