Chemical graph theory N Trinajstic CRC press, 2018 | 3845 | 2018 |
Graph theory and molecular orbitals. Total φ-electron energy of alternant hydrocarbons I Gutman, N Trinajstić Chemical physics letters 17 (4), 535-538, 1972 | 3763 | 1972 |
Graph theory and molecular orbitals. XII. Acyclic polyenes I Gutman, N Trinajstić, CF Wilcox Journal of chemical physics 62 (9), 3399-3405, 1975 | 1235 | 1975 |
Structure-radical scavenging activity relationships of flavonoids D Amić, D Davidović-Amić, D Bešlo, N Trinajstić Croatica chemica acta 76 (1), 55-61, 2003 | 1152 | 2003 |
The Zagreb indices 30 years after S Nikolić, G Kovačević, A Miličević, N Trinajstić Croatica chemica acta 76 (2), 113-124, 2003 | 1066 | 2003 |
Information theory, distance matrix, and molecular branching D Bonchev, N Trinajstić The Journal of Chemical Physics 67 (10), 4517-4533, 1977 | 755 | 1977 |
On a novel connectivity index B Zhou, N Trinajstić Journal of mathematical chemistry 46, 1252-1270, 2009 | 677 | 2009 |
Graph theory and molecular orbitals. 19. Nonparametric resonance energies of arbitrary conjugated systems I Gutman, M Milun, N Trinajstic Journal of the American Chemical Society 99 (6), 1692-1704, 1977 | 640 | 1977 |
On general sum-connectivity index B Zhou, N Trinajstić Journal of mathematical chemistry 47, 210-218, 2010 | 628 | 2010 |
On the Harary index for the characterization of chemical graphs D Plavšić, S Nikolić, N Trinajstić, Z Mihalić Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 12, 235-250, 1993 | 627 | 1993 |
Topological approach to the chemistry of conjugated molecules A Graovac, I Gotman, N Trinajstic Springer Science & Business Media, 2012 | 578 | 2012 |
SAR and QSAR of the antioxidant activity of flavonoids D Amic, D Davidovic-Amic, D Beslo, V Rastija, B Lucic, N Trinajstic Current medicinal chemistry 14 (7), 827-845, 2007 | 559 | 2007 |
A graph-theoretical approach to structure-property relationships Z Mihalić, N Trinajstić Journal of Chemical Education 69 (9), 701, 1992 | 396 | 1992 |
Ground states of conjugated molecules. XX. SCF MO treatment of compounds containing bivalent sulfur MJS Dewar, N Trinajstic Journal of the American Chemical Society 92 (6), 1453-1459, 1970 | 367* | 1970 |
On reformulated Zagreb indices A Miličević, S Nikolić, N Trinajstić Molecular diversity 8, 393-399, 2004 | 365 | 2004 |
The Wiener index: Development and applications S Nikolić, N Trinajstić Croatica Chemica Acta 68 (1), 105-129, 1995 | 341 | 1995 |
The vertex-connectivity index revisited D Amić, D Bešlo, B Lucić, S Nikolić, N Trinajstić Journal of chemical information and computer sciences 38 (5), 819-822, 1998 | 326 | 1998 |
Graph theory and molecular orbitals: Application of Sachs theorem A Graovac, I Gutman, N Trinajstić, T Živković Theoretica chimica acta 26 (1), 67-78, 1972 | 255 | 1972 |
Graph-theoretical matrices in chemistry D Janezic, A Milicevic, S Nikolic, N Trinajstic CRC Press, 2015 | 246 | 2015 |
QUANTITATIVE STRUCTURE-ACTIVITY-RELATIONSHIPS-THE ROLE OF TOPOLOGICAL INDEXES A Sabljic, N Trinajstic Acta Pharmaceutica Jugoslavica 31 (4), 189-214, 1981 | 245 | 1981 |