Antti Westerlund
Citat de
Citat de
Nemo-Nordic 1.0: a NEMO-based ocean model for the Baltic and North seas–research and operational applications
R Hordoir, L Axell, A Höglund, C Dieterich, F Fransner, M Gröger, Y Liu, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 12 (1), 363-386, 2019
Ensemble forecasting of harmful algal blooms in the Baltic Sea
P Roiha, A Westerlund, A Nummelin, T Stipa
Journal of Marine Systems 83 (3-4), 210-220, 2010
Attributing mean circulation patterns to physical phenomena in the Gulf of Finland
A Westerlund, L Tuomi, P Alenius, E Miettunen, RE Vankevich
Oceanologia 60 (1), 16-31, 2018
Circulation patterns in the Gulf of Finland from daily to seasonal timescales
A Westerlund, L Tuomi, P Alenius, K Myrberg, E Miettunen, RE Vankevich, ...
Tellus A: Dynamic Meteorology and Oceanography 71 (1), 1627149, 2019
Vertical temperature dynamics in the Northern Baltic Sea based on 3D modelling and data from shallow-water Argo floats
A Westerlund, L Tuomi
Journal of Marine Systems 158, 34-44, 2016
Short-term effects of nutrient reductions in the North Sea and the Baltic Sea as seen by an ensemble of numerical models
T Stipa, M Skogen, IS Hansen, A Eriksen, I Hense, A Kiiltomäki, H Søiland, ...
MERI, Report Series of the Finnish Institute of Marine Research 49, 43-70, 2003
Refined estimates of water transport through the Åland Sea, Baltic Sea
A Westerlund, E Miettunen, L Tuomi, P Alenius
Ocean Science Discussions 2021, 1-27, 2021
Estimating currents from argo trajectories in the bothnian sea, baltic sea
P Roiha, SM Siiriä, N Haavisto, P Alenius, A Westerlund, T Purokoski
Frontiers in Marine Science 5, 308, 2018
Rannikon kokonaiskuormitusmalli: ravinnepäästöjen vaikutus veden tilaan–Kehityshankkeen loppuraportti (XI 2015–VI 2018)
R Lignell, E Miettunen, L Tuomi, J Ropponen, H Kuosa, J Attila, I Puttonen, ...
Transport dynamics in a complex coastal archipelago
E Miettunen, L Tuomi, A Westerlund, H Kanarik, K Myrberg
Ocean Science 20 (1), 69-83, 2024
Rannikon (Suomenlahti, Saaristomeri, Selkämeri) kokonaiskuormitusmalli: ravinnepäästöjen vaikutus veden tilaan–Kehityshankkeen loppuraportti (XI 2015–VI 2018)
R Lignell, E Miettunen, L Tuomi, J Ropponen, H Kuosa, J Attila, I Puttonen, ...
Ympäristöministeriö, Raki-hanke 12, 84, 2018
Modelling circulation dynamics in the northern Baltic Sea
A Westerlund
Helsingin yliopisto, 2018
Forecasting upwelling events with monthly ensembles for the eastern coast of the Gulf of Bothnia in the Baltic Sea
P Roiha, A Westerlund, N Haavisto
Journal of Operational Oceanography 9 (2), 115-125, 2016
Classifying ocean profiles with machine learning algorithms
K Tikka, A Westerlund, P Alenius, L Tuomi
Earth and Space Science Open Archive ESSOAr, 2018
Rapid and agile ocean forecasting with surrogate modelling
A Westerlund, B Espinola, A Nummelin
fi= Puolustusministeriö| sv= Försvarsministeriet| en= Ministry of Defence|, 2024
Transport dynamics in a complex coastal archipelago
E Miettunen, L Tuomi, A Westerlund, H Kanarik, K Myrberg
EGUsphere 2023, 1-21, 2023
The significance of wave-current interaction on modelled wave fields in the Baltic Sea
H Kanarik, L Tuomi, JV Björkqvist, T Kärnä, A Westerlund
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 15900, 2020
Experiences from NEMO simulations on the Baltic Sea-sea ice and other sensitivities.
J Lehtiranta, T Kärnä, S Siiriä, A Gierisch, A Westerlund, J Haapala
Geophysical Research Abstracts 21, 2019
Analysis of Vertical Dynamics in the Northern Baltic Sea based on 3D Modelling and Data from Shallow-Water Argo Floats
A Westerlund, L Tuomi
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-7023, 2016
Long term Baltic Sea Ensemble Forecasting
A Westerlund, T Stipa, BW An
21st International Conference on Port and Ocean Engineering under Arctic …, 2011
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