Christopher Mark Fanning
Christopher Mark Fanning
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe anu.edu.au
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Two Carboniferous ages: a comparison of SHRIMP zircon dating with conventional zircon ages and 40Ar/39Ar analysis
JC Claoué-Long, W Compston, J Roberts, CM Fanning
Growth, annealing and recrystallization of zircon and preservation of monazite in high-grade metamorphism: conventional and in-situ U-Pb isotope, cathodoluminescence and …
U Schaltegger, CM Fanning, D Günther, JC Maurin, K Schulmann, ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 134, 186-201, 1999
Episodic silicic volcanism in Patagonia and the Antarctic Peninsula: chronology of magmatism associated with the break-up of Gondwana
RJ Pankhurst, TR Riley, CM Fanning, SP Kelley
Journal of Petrology 41 (5), 605-625, 2000
Gondwanide continental collision and the origin of Patagonia
RJ Pankhurst, CW Rapela, CM Fanning, M Márquez
Earth-Science Reviews 76 (3-4), 235-257, 2006
The Río de la Plata craton and the assembly of SW Gondwana
CW Rapela, RJ Pankhurst, C Casquet, CM Fanning, EG Baldo, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 83 (1-2), 49-82, 2007
The Pampean Orogeny of the southern proto-Andes: Cambrian continental collision in the Sierras de Córdoba
CW Rapela, RJ Pankhurst, C Casquet, E Baldo, J Saavedra, C Galindo, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 142 (1), 181-217, 1998
Deciphering igneous and metamorphic events in high-grade rocks of the Wilmington Complex, Delaware: Morphology, cathodoluminescence and backscattered electron zoning, and …
JN Aleinikoff, WS Schenck, MO Plank, LA Srogi, CM Fanning, SL Kamo, ...
Geological Society of America Bulletin 118 (1-2), 39-64, 2006
Continuation of the Mozambique Belt into East Antarctica: Grenville-age metamorphism and polyphase Pan-African high-grade events in central Dronning Maud Land
J Jacobs, CM Fanning, F Henjes-Kunst, M Olesch, HJ Paech
The Journal of Geology 106 (4), 385-406, 1998
The Famatinian magmatic arc in the central Sierras Pampeanas: an Early to Mid-Ordovician continental arc on the Gondwana margin
RJ Pankhurst, CW Rapela, J Saavedra, E Baldo, J Dahlquist, I Pascua, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 142 (1), 343-367, 1998
The South Patagonian batholith: 150 my of granite magmatism on a plate margin
F Herve, RJ Pankhurst, CM Fanning, M Calderón, GM Yaxley
Lithos 97 (3-4), 373-394, 2007
Age and origin of coeval TTG, I-and S-type granites in the Famatinian belt of NW Argentina
RJ Pankhurst, CW Rapela, CM Fanning
Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of …, 2000
Development of the early Paleozoic Pacific margin of Gondwana from detrital-zircon ages across the Delamerian orogen
TR Ireland, T Flottmann, CM Fanning, GM Gibson, WV Preiss
Geology 26 (3), 243-246, 1998
Cambrian orogenic belt in East Antarctica and Sri Lanka: implications for Gondwana assembly
K Shiraishi, DJ Ellis, Y Hiroi, CM Fanning, Y Motoyoshi, Y Nakai
The Journal of Geology 102 (1), 47-65, 1994
Early Paleozoic tectonism within the East Antarctic craton: the final suture between east and west Gondwana?
SD Boger, CJL Wilson, CM Fanning
Geology 29 (5), 463-466, 2001
Extraordinary transport and mixing of sediment across Himalayan central Gondwana during the Cambrian–Ordovician
PM Myrow, NC Hughes, JW Goodge, CM Fanning, IS Williams, S Peng, ...
Bulletin 122 (9-10), 1660-1670, 2010
Refined Proterozoic evolution of the Gawler craton, South Australia, through U-Pb zircon geochronology
CM Fanning, RB Flint, AJ Parker, KR Ludwig, AH Blissett
Precambrian Research 40, 363-386, 1988
The lower crust of the Dharwar Craton, Southern India: Patchwork of Archean granulitic domains
JJ Peucat, M Jayananda, D Chardon, R Capdevila, CM Fanning, ...
Precambrian Research 227, 4-28, 2013
Neoarchean greenstone volcanism and continental growth, Dharwar craton, southern India: Constraints from SIMS U–Pb zircon geochronology and Nd isotopes
M Jayananda, JJ Peucat, D Chardon, BK Rao, CM Fanning, F Corfu
Precambrian Research 227, 55-76, 2013
U–Pb geochronology of zircon and polygenetic titanite from the Glastonbury Complex, Connecticut, USA: an integrated SEM, EMPA, TIMS, and SHRIMP study
JN Aleinikoff, RP Wintsch, CM Fanning, MJ Dorais
Chemical Geology 188 (1-2), 125-147, 2002
SHRIMP U-Pb geochronology of Neoproterozoic Windermere Supergroup, central Idaho: Implications for rifting of western Laurentia and synchroneity of Sturtian glacial deposits
K Lund, JN Aleinikoff, KV Evans, CM Fanning
Geological Society of America Bulletin 115 (3), 349-372, 2003
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