Ann Marie Ryan
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Citat de
Teaching, learning, and leading: Preparing teachers as educational policy actors
AJ Heineke, AM Ryan, C Tocci
Journal of Teacher Education 66 (4), 382-394, 2015
The role of social foundations in preparing teachers for culturally relevant practice.
AM Ryan
Multicultural Education 13 (3), 10-13, 2006
The Question of School Resources and Student Achievement: A History and Reconsideration
LV Hedges, TD Pigott, JR Polanin, AM Ryan, C Tocci, RD Williams
Review of Research in Education 40, 143-168, 2016
Teaching, Learning, and Leading with Schools and Communities: One Urban University Re-Envisions Teacher Preparation for the Next Generation
AM Ryan, D Ensminger, AJ Heineke, AS Kennedy, DP Prasse, ...
Issues in Teacher Education 23 (2), 139-154, 2014
Teacher Educator Identity in a Culture of Iterative Teacher Education Program Design: A Collaborative Self-Study
A Chang, SR Neugebauer, A Ellis, D Ensminger, AM Ryan, A Kennedy
Studying Teacher Education A journal of self-study of teacher education …, 2016
Preparing globally minded teachers: One teacher education program’s incorporation of the international baccalaureate
AM Ryan, AJ Heineke, CE Steindam
Journal of Education 194 (3), 39-51, 2014
Quality of research evidence in education: how do we know?
TD Pigott, C Tocci, AM Ryan, A Galliher
Review of Research in Education 45 (1), vii-xii, 2021
Ambitious U.S. History Teachers Bringing Professional Development into the Classroom: A Mixed Methods Study
LM Kallemeyn, D Schiazza, AM Ryan, J Peters, C Johnson
Research in the Schools 20 (1), 39-56, 2014
From child study to efficiency: District administrators and the use of testing in the Chicago public schools, 1899 to 1928
AM Ryan
Paedagogica Historica 47 (3), 341-354, 2011
From "Urban" to Urban: Engaging Urban Schools and Communities in Teacher Education
R Garth-McCullough, AM Ryan
Issues in Teacher Education 23 (1), 151-176, 2014
Partnering to Prepare Teachers for Urban Indigenous Communities: St. Kateri Center of Chicago Partnering with Teaching, Learning, & Leading with Schools & Communities
A Lees, AJ Heineke, AM Ryan, G Roy
Multicultural Education Magazine 23 (2), 13-21, 2016
Public and Catholic school responses to IQ testing in the early 20th century
AM Ryan, A Stoskopf
The Teachers College Record 110 (4), 894-922, 2008
The Curriculum Foundations Reader
AM Ryan, C Tocci, S Moon
Springer Nature, 2020
Changing teaching practice in P–20 educational settings: Introduction to the volume
C Tocci, AM Ryan, TD Pigott
Review of Research in Education 43 (1), vii-xiii, 2019
Negotiating assimilation: Chicago Catholic high schools' pursuit of accreditation in the early twentieth century
AM Ryan
History of Education Quarterly 46 (3), 348-381, 2006
Core Elements of Preparing Teachers for Culturally Relevant
AM Ryan
multicultural education 34 (3), 152-158, 2002
Designing and Implementing Content-based Professional Development for Teachers of History
AM Ryan, F Valadez
The Teaching American History Project: Lessons for History Educators and …, 2009
Keeping “every Catholic child in a Catholic school” during the Great Depression, 1933-1939
AM Ryan
Journal of Catholic Education 11 (2), 157-175, 2007
American Catholic Schools in the Twentieth Century: Encounters with Public Education Policies, Practices, and Reforms
AM Ryan
Rowman & Littlefield, 2022
Teaching, learning, and leading with schools and communities: Field-based teacher education
AJ Heineke, AM Ryan
Routledge, 2018
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