Lee, Eun-Mi
Lee, Eun-Mi
Dongseo University
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe dongseo.ac.kr
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Employee perception of CSR activities: Its antecedents and consequences
EM Lee, SY Park, HJ Lee
Journal of business research 66 (10), 1716-1724, 2013
Does perceived consumer fit matter in corporate social responsibility issues?
EM Lee, SY Park, MI Rapert, CL Newman
Journal of business research 65 (11), 1558-1564, 2012
Consumer receptivity to green ads: A test of green claim types and the role of individual consumer characteristics for green ad response
EM Tucker, NJ Rifon, EM Lee, BB Reece
Green Advertising and the Reluctant Consumer, 4-18, 2016
Congruence between brand personality and self-image, and the mediating roles of satisfaction and consumer-brand relationship on brand loyalty
SY Park, EM Lee
Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research 6, 39-45, 2005
The effect of customer citizenship in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities on purchase intention: the important role of the CSR image
EM Lee, SJ Yoon
Social Responsibility Journal 14 (4), 753-763, 2018
Promoting charitable donation campaigns on social media
TO Tugrul, EM Lee
The Service Industries Journal 38 (3-4), 149-163, 2018
Social and psychological determinants of value co-creation behavior for South Korean firms: A consumer-centric perspective
S Yoon, EM Lee
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 31 (1), 14-36, 2019
The important role of corporate social responsibility capabilities in improving sustainable competitive advantage
EM Lee, HJ Lee, JH Pae, SY Park
Social Responsibility Journal 12 (4), 642-653, 2016
The effect of the perceived corporate fit on loyalty: The mediating roles of the corporate social responsibility perception
EM Lee, SY Park, JH Pae
Journal of Global Academy of Marketing 21 (1), 32-44, 2011
The effect of the perceived fit between corporate and CSR activities on corporate credibility and consumer loyalty: the mediating roles of consumer perception of CSR activities
EM Lee, SY Park, JH Pae
Proceedings of the 2nd world business ethics conference, 2008
The effect of consumers’ innovation perception on internet usage behaviors
EM Lee, S Temel, C Uzkurt
International Journal of Innovation Science 8 (2), 100-112, 2016
A Test of Green Claim Types and the Role of Individual Consumer Characteristics for Green Ad Response.
EM Tucker, NJ Rifon, EM Lee, BB Reece
Journal of Advertising 41 (4), 2012
Seeking a better place: Sustainability in the CPG industry
MI Rapert, C Newman, SY Park, EM Lee
Journal of Global Academy of Marketing Science 20 (2), 199-207, 2010
The effects of country-of-origin image on brand identification and brand attitude: Focused on moderating role of involvement in utilitarian and hedonic product
JO Jeon, EM Lee, CS Lee
Korea Trade Review 33 (4), 73-101, 2008
Net generation: The growing dominant consumer group in network society
SY Park, EM Lee
Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research 6, 239-243, 2005
How cultural values integrate with each other to trigger sustainable consumption: a cross-culture study
CD Duong, TL Le, EM Lee, K Gadomska-Lila
Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics 36 (4), 814-836, 2024
Does cause-related marketing (CRM) really work in the case of stigmatized products?: A conceptual framework and implications for CRM campaigns
EM Lee
Global Business and Finance Review, 2016
제휴 프로모션에 관한 탐색적 연구
이은미, 박현희, 전중옥
ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL 13 (1), 27-50, 2011
The Influence of Message Frame and Appeal on the Effectiveness of Social Media in Dietary Behavior
EM Lee
International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology 7 (3), 86-91, 2019
An exploratory study on tie-in promotion
EM Lee, HH Park, JO Jeon
Asia Marketing Journal 13 (1), 27-50, 2011
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