Andrei Filippov
Citat de
Citat de
The effect of cholesterol on the lateral diffusion of phospholipids in oriented bilayers
A Filippov, G Orädd, G Lindblom
Biophysical Journal 84 (5), 3079-3086, 2003
Influence of cholesterol and water content on phospholipid lateral diffusion in bilayers
A Filippov, G Orädd, G Lindblom
Langmuir 19 (16), 6397-6400, 2003
Lipid lateral diffusion in ordered and disordered phases in raft mixtures
A Filippov, G Orädd, G Lindblom
Biophysical Journal 86 (2), 891-896, 2004
A hexameric peptide barrel as building block of amyloid‐β protofibrils
C Lendel, M Bjerring, A Dubnovitsky, RT Kelly, A Filippov, ON Antzutkin, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 53 (47), 12756-12760, 2014
Lipid lateral diffusion in bilayers with phosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin and cholesterol: An NMR study of dynamics and lateral phase separation
G Lindblom, G Orädd, A Filippov
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 141 (1-2), 179-184, 2006
Sphingomyelin structure influences the lateral diffusion and raft formation in lipid bilayers
A Filippov, G Orädd, G Lindblom
Biophysical Journal 90 (6), 2086-2092, 2006
Domain formation in model membranes studied by pulsed-field gradient-NMR: the role of lipid polyunsaturation
A Filippov, G Orädd, G Lindblom
Biophysical Journal 93 (9), 3182-3190, 2007
Aggregation and fibril morphology of the Arctic mutation of Alzheimer’s Aβ peptide by CD, TEM, STEM and in situ AFM
N Norlin, M Hellberg, A Filippov, AA Sousa, G Gröbner, RD Leapman, ...
Journal of Structural Biology 180 (1), 174-189, 2012
Halogen-free pyrrolidinium bis (mandelato) borate ionic liquids: some physicochemical properties and lubrication performance as additives to polyethylene glycol
M Taher, FU Shah, A Filippov, P De Baets, S Glavatskih, ON Antzutkin
RSC Advances 4 (58), 30617-30623, 2014
Effect of NaCl and CaCl2 on the lateral diffusion of zwitterionic and anionic lipids in bilayers
A Filippov, G Orädd, G Lindblom
Chemistry and Physics of Lipids 159 (2), 81-87, 2009
Self‐diffusion in a hyaluronic acid–albumin–water system as studied by NMR
A Filippov, M Artamonova, M Rudakova, R Gimatdinov, V Skirda
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry 50 (2), 114-119, 2012
Transport and Association of Ions in Lithium Battery Electrolytes Based on Glycol Ether Mixed with Halogen-Free Orthoborate Ionic Liquid
FU Shah, OI Gnezdilov, R Gusain, A Filippov
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 16340, 2017
Hydrogen Bonding in Alzheimer’s Amyloid‐β Fibrils Probed by 15N{17O} REAPDOR Solid‐State NMR Spectroscopy
ON Antzutkin, D Iuga, AV Filippov, RT Kelly, J Becker‐Baldus, SP Brown, ...
Angewandte Chemie 124 (41), 10435-10438, 2012
High-resolution NMR structure of the antimicrobial peptide protegrin-2 in the presence of DPC micelles
KS Usachev, SV Efimov, OA Kolosova, AV Filippov, VV Klochkov
Journal of Biomolecular NMR 61 (3-4), 227-234, 2015
Acceleration of diffusion in ethylammonium nitrate ionic liquid confined between parallel glass plates
A Filippov, OI Gnezdilov, N Hjalmarsson, ON Antzutkin, S Glavatskih, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (38), 25853-25858, 2017
Ion dynamics in halogen-free phosphonium bis (salicylato) borate ionic liquid electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries
FU Shah, OI Gnezdilov, A Filippov
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (25), 16721-16730, 2017
NMR relaxation and self-diffusion in aqueous micellar gels of pluronic F-127
M Shaikhullina, A Khaliullina, R Gimatdinov, A Butakov, V Chernov, ...
Journal of Molecular Liquids 306, 112898, 2020
NMR self-diffusion study of a phosphonium bis (mandelato) borate ionic liquid
A Filippov, FU Shah, M Taher, S Glavatskih, ON Antzutkin
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (23), 9281-9287, 2013
High CO 2 absorption capacity by chemisorption at cations and anions in choline-based ionic liquids
S Bhattacharyya, A Filippov, FU Shah
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 19 (46), 31216-31226, 2017
Structure and dynamics elucidation of ionic liquids using multidimensional Laplace NMR
MA Javed, S Ahola, P Håkansson, O Mankinen, MK Aslam, A Filippov, ...
Chemical Communications 53 (80), 11056-11059, 2017
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