Prof. Khaula Alkaabi
Citat de
Citat de
Factors affecting environmental sustainability habits of university students: Intercomparison analysis in three countries (Spain, Brazil and UAE)
E Chuvieco, M Burgui-Burgui, EV Da Silva, K Hussein, K Alkaabi
Journal of cleaner production 198, 1372-1380, 2018
Land use/land cover change along the Eastern Coast of the UAE and its impact on flooding risk
K Hussein, K Alkaabi, D Ghebreyesus, MU Liaqat, HO Sharif
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 11 (1), 112-130, 2020
The geography of air freight: connections to US metropolitan economies
KA Alkaabi, KG Debbage
Journal of Transport Geography 19 (6), 1517-1529, 2011
Air passenger demand and skilled labor markets by US metropolitan area
KA Alkaabi, KG Debbage
Journal of Air Transport Management 13 (3), 121-130, 2007
Identification of hotspot areas for traffic accidents and analyzing drivers’ behaviors and road accidents
K Alkaabi
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 22, 100929, 2023
Universities, entrepreneurial ecosystem, and family business performance: evidence from the United Arab Emirates
K Alkaabi, V Ramadani, J Zeqiri
Journal of the Knowledge Economy 15 (2), 5511-5538, 2024
The promise of the aerotropolis model in the United Arab Emirates: The role of spatial proximity and global connectivity
K Alkaabi, K Debbage, AB Touq
The Arab World Geographer 16 (3), 289-312, 2013
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Technology for Research and Education in UAE
Alkaabi, K., Abuelgasim A.
International Journal of Social Sciences Arts and Humanities 5 (1), 4-11, 2017
Customers’ purchasing behavior toward home-based SME products: evidence from UAE community
KA Alkaabi
Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy …, 2022
Studying the effects of aircraft noise around Abu Dhabi International Airport, UAE on the surrounding residential and work places
KA Alkaabi
Civil Engineering and Urban Planning: An International Journal 4 (2), 59-78, 2017
Market Power and Vertical (Dis)Integration? Airline Networks and Destination Development in the United States and Dubai
Debbage, Keith, K Alkaabi
Aviation and Tourism: Implications for Leisure Travel, 147-163, 2008
Empirical analysis of the implementation of cordon pricing: Potential impacts on travel behaviour and policy implications
AO Abulibdeh, EA Zaidan, KA Alkaabi
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 53, 130-142, 2018
Geographies of Middle Eastern air Transport
K Alkaabi
Geographies of Air Transport, 231-246, 2014
Applying the innovative approach of employing a business simulation game and prototype developing platform in an online flipped classroom of an entrepreneurial summer course: a …
K Alkaabi
Education Sciences 13 (1), 13, 2022
Effects of geographic distribution of small and medium-size enterprises on growth, innovation, and economic contributions: A case study of UAE
KAS Alkaabi
International Journal of Applied Geospatial Research (IJAGR) 11 (4), 23-41, 2020
The geography of air freight and metropolitan economies: Potential connections
KA Al Kaabi
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 2010
Sustainable development goals from theory to practice using spatial data infrastructure: A case study of UAEU undergraduate students
K Alkaabi, K Mehmood, P Bhatacharyya, H Aldhaheri
Sustainability 15 (16), 12394, 2023
Analyzing the travel behaviour and travel preferences of employees and students commuting via the Dubai Metro
K Alkaabi
The Arab World Geographer 17 (1), 42-65, 2014
Family business cases: Insights and perspectives from the United Arab Emirates
K Alkaabi, V Ramadani
Springer Nature, 2024
Toward sustainable cities: Monitoring thermal environment for buildings and pedestrian space using drone-captured 3D thermal imaging
K Alkaabi, S Senghore, ARE Fawair
Front. Built Environ., https://doi.org/10.3389/fbuil.2022.10355, 2023
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