Viggo Kann
Viggo Kann
Professor i datalogi, KTH
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Complexity and approximation: Combinatorial optimization problems and their approximability properties
G Ausiello, P Crescenzi, G Gambosi, V Kann, A Marchetti-Spaccamela, ...
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
On the approximability of minimizing nonzero variables or unsatisfied relations in linear systems
E Amaldi, V Kann
Theoretical Computer Science 209 (1-2), 237-260, 1998
A compendium of NP optimization problems
P Crescenzi, V Kann, M Halldórsson
On the approximability of NP-complete optimization problems
V Kann
Royal Institute of Technology, 1992
Some APX-completeness results for cubic graphs
P Alimonti, V Kann
Theoretical Computer Science 237 (1-2), 123-134, 2000
Maximum bounded 3-dimensional matching is MAX SNP-complete
V Kann
Information Processing Letters 37 (1), 27-35, 1991
The complexity and approximability of finding maximum feasible subsystems of linear relations
E Amaldi, V Kann
Theoretical computer science 147 (1-2), 181-210, 1995
Hardness of approximating problems on cubic graphs
P Alimonti, V Kann
Italian conference on algorithms and complexity, 288-298, 1997
Implementing an efficient part‐of‐speech tagger
J Carlberger, V Kann
Software: Practice and Experience 29 (9), 815-832, 1999
On the Hardness of Approximating Max k-Cut and Its Dual.
V Kann, S Khanna, J Lagergren, A Panconesi
ISTCS, 61-67, 1996
Polynomially bounded minimization problems which are hard to approximate
V Kann
International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, 52-63, 1993
On the approximability of the maximum common subgraph problem
V Kann
STACS 92: 9th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science …, 1992
Modelling competencies for computing education beyond 2020: a research based approach to defining competencies in the computing disciplines
S Frezza, M Daniels, A Pears, Å Cajander, V Kann, A Kapoor, ...
Proceedings Companion of the 23rd Annual ACM Conference on Innovation and …, 2018
Structure in approximation classes
P Crescenzi, V Kann, R Silvestri, L Trevisan
SIAM Journal on Computing 28 (5), 1759-1782, 1999
Five years with kattis—using an automated assessment system in teaching
E Enström, G Kreitz, F Niemelä, P Söderman, V Kann
2011 Frontiers in education conference (FIE), T3J-1-T3J-6, 2011
Granska–an efficient hybrid system for Swedish grammar checking
R Domeij, O Knutsson, J Carlberger, V Kann
Proceedings of the 12th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics …, 2000
A compendium of NP optimization problems
P Crescenzi, V Kann, M Halldórsson, M Karpinski, G Woeginger
URL: http://www. nada. kth. se/~ viggo/problemlist/compendium. html, 1997
Free construction of a free Swedish dictionary of synonyms
V Kann, M Rosell
Proceedings of the 15th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics …, 2006
Structure in approximation classes
P Crescenzi, V Kann, R Silvestri, L Trevisan
International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, 539-548, 1995
Maximum bounded H-matching is MAX SNP-complete
V Kann
Information Processing Letters 49 (6), 309-318, 1994
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