Liesbetini Haditjaroko
Liesbetini Haditjaroko
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Method and approach mapping for agri-food supply chain risk management: A literature review
W Septiani, M Marimin, Y Herdiyeni, L Haditjaroko
International Journal of Supply Chain Management 5 (2), 51-64, 2016
Penanganan pascapanen umbi iles-iles (Amorphophallus muelleri Blume) studi kasus di Madiun, Jawa Timur
K Dwiyono, TC Sunarti, O Suparno, LH TIP
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 24 (3), 2014
Utilisation of fish skin waste as a collagen wound dressing on burn injuries: a mini review
A Afifah, O Suparno, L Haditjaroko, K Tarman
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 335 (1), 012031, 2019
Designing a transparent distributed systems for halal supply chains using blockchain technology
D Novianti, Y Arkeman, MN Almunawar, L Haditjaroko, A Ismayana
Journal of Business and Economic Analysis 3 (02), 151-170, 2020
Optimasi ekstraksi flavonoid total daun gedi (Abelmoschus manihot L.) dan uji aktivitas antioksidan
D Pranowo, E Noor, L Haditjaroko, A Maddu
Bul. Littro 27 (1), 37-46, 2016
The effectiveness of physical and alkali hydrothermal pretreatment in improving enzyme susceptibility of sweet sorghum bagasse
DA Pramasari, L Haditjaroko, TC Sunarti, E Hermiati, K Syamsu
Jurnal Bahan Alam Terbarukan 6 (2), 117-131, 2017
Risk dependency chain model of dairy agro-industry supply chain using fuzzy logic approach
W Septiani, Marimin, Y Herdiyeni, L Haditjaroko
Supply Chain Forum: An International Journal 17 (4), 218-230, 2016
Campuran pulp tandan kosong kelapa sawit dan selulosa mikrobial nata de cassava dalam pembuatan kertas
K Syamsu, L Haditjaroko, GI Pradikta, H Roliadi
Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia 19 (1), 14-21, 2014
Framework model of sustainable supply chain risk for dairy agroindustry based on knowledge base
W Septiani, Y Herdiyeni, L Haditjaroko
2014 International Conference on Advanced Computer Science and Information …, 2014
Kinerja label untuk memprediksi umur simpan pempek pada berbagai kondisi penyimpanan
M Pratama, E Warsiki, L Haditjaroko
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 26 (3), 2016
Aplikasi edible coating minyak kayu manis pada manisan tomat cherry selama penyimpanan
P Wisudawaty, I Yuliasih, L Haditjaroko
Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian 30 (1), 2020
Assurance information systems design for blockchain-based micro, small and medium enterprises in Indonesia
D Novianti, L Haditjaroko, MN Almunawar
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (1), 012058, 2022
KarakterisasiSimplisiadanEkstrakDaunGedi (Abelmoschusmanihot L.) SebagaiBahanSediaanObat
D Pranowo, E Noor, L Haditjaroko, A Maddu
JurnalTeknologiIndustriPertanian. UniversitasBrawijaya: Malang, 2015
Production of nanocurcumin from Curcuma Xanthorriza Roxb by homogenization
N Jusnita, L Haditjaroko, M Yusron, E Noor
Methods 4 (16), 79, 2014
Bioprocess engineering of bioethanol production based on sweet sorghum bagasse by co-culture technique using Trichodermareesei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
EA Syadiah, L Haditjaroko, K Syamsu
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 209 (1), 012018, 2018
Risk based milk pricing model at dairy farmers level
W Septiani, M Marimin, Y Herdiyeni, L Haditjaroko
Media Peternakan 40 (3), 218-227, 2017
Potential and prospect of various raw materials for bioethanol production in Indonesia: A review
SF Zahroh, K Syamsu, L Haditjaroko, IS Kartawiria
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 749 (1), 012060, 2021
Bio-ethanol production from sweet sorghum bagasse by engineered simultaneous saccharification and fermentation technology using Trichoderma reesei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae
K Syamsu, L Haditjaroko, EA Syadiah
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 472 (1), 012025, 2020
Batch sugar production from sweet sorghum bagasse using Trichoderma reesei
EA Syadiah, K Syamsu, L Haditjaroko
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1063 (1), 012016, 2022
Intelligent decision support system for risk assessment and dairy price of dairy agroindustry supply chain
W Septiani, Y Herdiyeni, L Haditjaroko, TS Dewayana
Journal of Modern Manufacturing Systems and Technology 5 (2), 41-51, 2021
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