Christopher Lee
Christopher Lee
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Jet Substructure at the Tevatron and LHC: New results, new tools, new benchmarks
A Altheimer, S Arora, L Asquith, G Brooijmans, J Butterworth, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 39 (6), 063001, 2012
Jet shapes and jet algorithms in SCET
SD Ellis, CK Vermilion, JR Walsh, A Hornig, C Lee
Journal of High Energy Physics 2010 (11), 1-83, 2010
Momentum flow correlations from event shapes: Factorized soft gluons and soft-collinear effective theory
C Lee, G Sterman
Physical Review D 75 (1), 014022, 2007
Factorization of e+ e− event shape distributions with hadronic final states in soft collinear effective theory
CW Bauer, S Fleming, C Lee, G Sterman
Physical Review D 78 (3), 034027, 2008
Towards an understanding of the correlations in jet substructure
D Adams, A Arce, L Asquith, M Backovic, T Barillari, P Berta, D Bertolini, ...
The European Physical Journal C 75 (9), 1-52, 2015
Resonant relaxation in electroweak baryogenesis
C Lee, V Cirigliano, MJ Ramsey-Musolf
Physical Review D 71 (7), 075010, 2005
Enhanced nonperturbative effects in Z decays to hadrons
CW Bauer, C Lee, AV Manohar, MB Wise
Physical Review D 70 (3), 034014, 2004
Non-global structure of the dijet soft function
A Hornig, C Lee, IW Stewart, JR Walsh, S Zuberi
Journal of High Energy Physics 2011 (8), 1-55, 2011
Comparing and counting logs in direct and effective methods of QCD resummation
LG Almeida, SD Ellis, C Lee, G Sterman, I Sung, JR Walsh
Journal of High Energy Physics 2014 (4), 1-76, 2014
Effective predictions of event shapes: factorized, resummed and gapped angularity distributions
A Hornig, C Lee, G Ovanesyan
Journal of High Energy Physics 2009 (05), 122, 2009
Flavored quantum Boltzmann equations
V Cirigliano, C Lee, MJ Ramsey-Musolf, S Tulin
Physical Review D 81 (10), 103503, 2010
Using 1-jettiness to measure 2 jets in DIS 3 ways
D Kang, C Lee, IW Stewart
Physical Review D 88 (5), 054004, 2013
Yukawa and triscalar processes in electroweak baryogenesis
V Cirigliano, MJ Ramsey-Musolf, S Tulin, C Lee
Physical Review D 73 (11), 115009, 2006
e+ e− angularity distributions at NNLL′ accuracy
G Bell, A Hornig, C Lee, J Talbert
Journal of High Energy Physics 2019 (1), 1-69, 2019
Soft-collinear mode for jet cross sections in soft collinear effective theory
YT Chien, A Hornig, C Lee
Physical Review D 93 (1), 014033, 2016
Charged lepton flavor violation at the EIC
V Cirigliano, K Fuyuto, C Lee, E Mereghetti, B Yan
Journal of High Energy Physics 2021 (3), 1-107, 2021
Consistent factorization of jet observables in exclusive multijet cross sections
SD Ellis, A Hornig, C Lee, CK Vermilion, JR Walsh
Physics Letters B 689 (2-3), 82-89, 2010
Resonant flavor oscillations in electroweak baryogenesis
V Cirigliano, C Lee, S Tulin
Physical Review D 84 (5), 056006, 2011
TMD Handbook
R Boussarie, M Burkardt, M Constantinou, W Detmold, M Ebert, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2304.03302, 2023
Equality of hemisphere soft functions for e+ e−, DIS and pp collisions at O (αs2)
D Kang, OZ Labun, C Lee
Physics Letters B 748, 45-54, 2015
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