Quantum spin liquids unveil the genuine Mott state A Pustogow, M Bories, A Löhle, R Rösslhuber, E Zhukova, B Gorshunov, ... Nature materials 17 (9), 773-777, 2018 | 98 | 2018 |
Emergent Bloch excitations in Mott matter N Lanatà, TH Lee, YX Yao, V Dobrosavljević Physical Review B 96 (19), 195126, 2017 | 48 | 2017 |
Dynamical mean-field theory, density-matrix embedding theory, and rotationally invariant slave bosons: A unified perspective T Ayral, TH Lee, G Kotliar Physical Review B 96 (23), 235139, 2017 | 46 | 2017 |
Pairing mechanism in Hund’s metal superconductors and the universality of the superconducting gap to critical temperature ratio TH Lee, A Chubukov, H Miao, G Kotliar Physical review letters 121 (18), 187003, 2018 | 45 | 2018 |
Rotationally invariant slave-boson and density matrix embedding theory: Unified framework and comparative study on the one-dimensional and two-dimensional Hubbard model TH Lee, T Ayral, YX Yao, N Lanata, G Kotliar Physical Review B 99 (11), 115129, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |
Condense. Matter TH Lee, YX Yao, V Stevanovic, V Dobrosavljevic, N Lanatà | 34 | |
Quantum embedding description of the Anderson lattice model with the ghost Gutzwiller approximation MS Frank, TH Lee, G Bhattacharyya, PKH Tsang, VL Quito, ... Physical Review B 104 (8), L081103, 2021 | 25 | 2021 |
Connection between Mott physics and crystal structure in a series of transition metal binary compounds N Lanatà, TH Lee, YX Yao, V Stevanović, V Dobrosavljević npj Computational Materials 5 (1), 30, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |
Ultrafast Triggering of Insulator–Metal Transition in Two-Dimensional VSe2 D Biswas, AJH Jones, P Majchrzak, BK Choi, TH Lee, K Volckaert, J Feng, ... Nano Letters 21 (5), 1968-1975, 2021 | 22 | 2021 |
Low-energy excitations in quantum spin liquids identified by optical spectroscopy A Pustogow, Y Saito, E Zhukova, B Gorshunov, R Kato, TH Lee, S Fratini, ... Physical review letters 121 (5), 056402, 2018 | 21 | 2018 |
Accuracy of ghost-rotationally-invariant slave-boson and dynamical mean field theory as a function of the impurity-model bath size TH Lee, N Lanatà, G Kotliar Physical Review B 107, L121104, 2023 | 18 | 2023 |
Two-dimensional disordered Mott metal-insulator transition MY Suárez-Villagrán, N Mitsakos, TH Lee, V Dobrosavljević, JH Miller Jr, ... Physical Review B 101 (23), 235112, 2020 | 17 | 2020 |
Uncovering the Origin of Divergence in the CsM(CrO4)2 (M = La, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu; Am) Family through Examination of the Chemical Bonding in a Molecular Cluster … SS Galley, AA Arico, TH Lee, X Deng, YX Yao, JM Sperling, V Proust, ... Journal of the American Chemical Society 140 (5), 1674-1685, 2018 | 16 | 2018 |
Tunable Fano-Kondo resonance in side-coupled double quantum dot systems CH Chung, TH Lee Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (8), 085325, 2010 | 15 | 2010 |
Fate of spinons at the Mott point TH Lee, S Florens, V Dobrosavljević Physical Review Letters 117 (13), 136601, 2016 | 14 | 2016 |
Accuracy of ghost-rotationally-invariant slave-boson theory for multiorbital Hubbard models and realistic materials TH Lee, C Melnick, R Adler, N Lanatà, G Kotliar Physical Review B 108 (24), 245147, 2023 | 11 | 2023 |
Efficient slave-boson approach for multiorbital two-particle response functions and superconductivity TH Lee, N Lanatà, M Kim, G Kotliar Physical Review X 11 (4), 041040, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Bypassing the computational bottleneck of quantum-embedding theories for strong electron correlations with machine learning J Rogers, TH Lee, S Pakdel, W Xu, V Dobrosavljević, YX Yao, ... Physical Review Research 3 (1), 013101, 2021 | 11 | 2021 |
Universal scaling of nonlinear conductance in the two-channel pseudogap Anderson model: Application for gate-tuned Kondo effect in magnetically doped graphene TH Lee, KYJ Zhang, CH Chung, S Kirchner Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (8), 085431, 2013 | 5 | 2013 |
Origins of the odd optical observables in plutonium and americium tungstates JN Cross, TH Lee, CJ Kang, YX Yao, SK Cary, JT Stritzinger, MJ Polinski, ... Chemical Science 10 (26), 6508-6518, 2019 | 4 | 2019 |