Eric B. Liebgold
Eric B. Liebgold
Associate Professor, Salisbury University
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Female philopatry and male‐biased dispersal in a direct‐developing salamander, Plethodon cinereus
EB Liebgold, ED BRODIE III, PR Cabe
Molecular Ecology 20 (2), 249-257, 2011
Dispersal Versus Site Tenacity of Adult and Juvenile Red-Backed Salamanders (Plethodon cinereus)
BH Ousterhout, EB Liebgold
Herpetologica 66 (3), 269-275, 2010
Multiple paternity in a salamander with socially monogamous behaviour
EB Liebgold, PR Cabe, RG Jaeger, PL Leberg
Molecular Ecology 15 (13), 4153-4160, 2006
The effects of perceived mortality risk on habitat selection in a terrestrial salamander
AM Roberts, EB Liebgold
Behavioral Ecology 19 (3), 621-626, 2008
Familiarity with adults, but not relatedness, affects the growth of juvenile red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus)
EB Liebgold, PR Cabe
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63, 277-284, 2008
Color-biased dispersal inferred by fine-scale genetic spatial autocorrelation in a color polymorphic salamander
AH Grant, EB Liebgold
Journal of Heredity 108 (5), 588-593, 2017
Juvenile movements and potential inter-age class associations of red-backed salamanders
EB Liebgold, RG Jaeger
Herpetologica 63 (1), 51-55, 2007
Similarity in temporal variation in sex‐biased dispersal over short and long distances in the dark‐eyed junco, Junco hyemalis
EB Liebgold, NM Gerlach, ED Ketterson
Molecular Ecology 22 (22), 5548-5560, 2013
Is the future female for turtles? Climate change and wetland configuration predict sex ratios of a freshwater species
HP Roberts, LL Willey, MT Jones, TSB Akre, DI King, J Kleopfer, ...
Global Change Biology 29 (10), 2643-2654, 2023
Differential Survival and the Effects of Predation on a Color Polymorphic Species, the Red-Backed Salamander (Plethodon cinereus)
AH Grant, TS Ransom, EB Liebgold
Journal of Herpetology 52 (2), 127-135, 2018
Effect of search method and age class on mark-recapture parameter estimation in a population of red-backed salamanders
FE Buderman, EB Liebgold
Population Ecology 54, 157-167, 2012
Better the devil you know: familiarity affects foraging activity of red-backed salamanders, Plethodon cinereus
EB Liebgold, CJ Dibble
Animal Behaviour 82 (5), 1059-1066, 2011
The influence of social environment: behavior of unrelated adults affects future juvenile behaviors
EB Liebgold
Ethology 120 (4), 388-399, 2014
The spread of the parthenogenetic mourning gecko, Lepidodactylus lugubris (Duméril and Bibron, 1836) to Paradise Island, The Bahamas, with comments on citizen science …
EB Liebgold, HL Liebgold, MJ Ransom, TS Ransom
BioInvasions Records 8 (1), 45-49, 2019
Heterozygosity–behavior and heterozygosity–fitness correlations in a salamander with limited dispersal
EB Liebgold, CF Kramer, TC Roomian, GM Dolezar, PR Cabe
Population Ecology 60, 251-260, 2018
Factors Affecting the Growth of Eastern Red-backed Salamanders, Plethodon cinereus
JR Biddle, AH Grant, EB Liebgold
Herpetologica 73 (2), 89-93, 2017
The right light: tiger salamander capture rates and spectral sensitivity
EB Liebgold, KL Carleton
Wildlife Society Bulletin 44 (1), 68-76, 2020
Density‐dependent fitness, not dispersal movements, drives temporal variation in spatial genetic structure in dark‐eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis)
EB Liebgold, NM Gerlach, ED Ketterson
Molecular ecology 28 (5), 968-979, 2019
Effects of landscape structure and land use on turtle communities across the eastern United States
HP Roberts, LL Willey, MT Jones, DI King, TSB Akre, J Kleopfer, ...
Biological Conservation 283, 110088, 2023
(Not) far from home: No sex bias in dispersal, but limited genetic patch size, in an endangered species, the Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata)
EB Liebgold, MJ Dickey, SM Lamb, HJ Howell, TS Ransom
Ecology and Evolution 13 (1), e9734, 2023
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