Massimo Narizzano
Massimo Narizzano
Unige, DIBRIS (Dipartimento di Informatica, Bioingegneria, Robotica, e Ingegneria dei Sistemi)
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe unige.it
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QUBE: A system for deciding quantified boolean formulas satisfiability
E Giunchiglia, M Narizzano, A Tacchella
Automated Reasoning: First International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2001 Siena …, 2001
Clause/term resolution and learning in the evaluation of quantified Boolean formulas
E Giunchiglia, M Narizzano, A Tacchella
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 26, 371-416, 2006
Backjumping for quantified Boolean logic satisfiability
E Giunchiglia, M Narizzano, A Tacchella
Artificial Intelligence 145 (1-2), 99-120, 2003
Learning for quantified Boolean logic satisfiability
E Giunchiglia, M Narizzano, A Tacchella
AAAI/IAAI, 649-654, 2002
A new tool for touch-free patient registration for robot-assisted intracranial surgery: application accuracy from a phantom study and a retrospective surgical series
F Cardinale, M Rizzi, P d’Orio, G Casaceli, G Arnulfo, M Narizzano, ...
Neurosurgical Focus 42 (5), E8, 2017
SEEG assistant: a 3DSlicer extension to support epilepsy surgery
M Narizzano, G Arnulfo, S Ricci, B Toselli, M Tisdall, A Canessa, MM Fato, ...
BMC bioinformatics 18, 1-13, 2017
Reasoning with quantified boolean formulas
E Giunchiglia, P Marin, M Narizzano
Handbook of satisfiability, 761-780, 2009
Quantified boolean formulas satisfiability library (qbflib), 2001
E Giunchiglia, M Narizzano, A Tacchella
Automatic segmentation of deep intracerebral electrodes in computed tomography scans
G Arnulfo, M Narizzano, F Cardinale, MM Fato, JM Palva
BMC bioinformatics 16, 1-12, 2015
Watched data structures for QBF solvers
I Gent, E Giunchiglia, M Narizzano, A Rowley, A Tacchella
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing: 6th International …, 2004
sQueezeBF: An effective preprocessor for QBFs based on equivalence reasoning
E Giunchiglia, P Marin, M Narizzano
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability …, 2010
Report of the third QBF solvers evaluation
M Narizzano, L Pulina, A Tacchella
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation 2 (1-4), 145-164, 2006
QuBE++: An Efficient QBF Solver
E Giunchiglia, M Narizzano, A Tacchella
International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, 201-213, 2004
Evaluating and certifying QBFs: A comparison of state-of-the-art tools
M Narizzano, C Peschiera, L Pulina, A Tacchella
AI communications 22 (4), 191-210, 2009
QuBE7. 0
E Giunchiglia, P Marin, M Narizzano
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation 7 (2-3), 83-88, 2010
Using bounded model checking for coverage analysis of safety-critical software in an industrial setting
D Angeletti, E Giunchiglia, M Narizzano, A Puddu, S Sabina
Journal of Automated Reasoning 45, 397-414, 2010
The second QBF solvers comparative evaluation
D Le Berre, M Narizzano, L Simon, A Tacchella
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability …, 2004
Quantified Boolean formulas satisfiability library (QBFLIB)
E Giunchiglia, M Narizzano, A Tacchella
Website http://www. qbflib. org, 2001
Retrospective evaluation and SEEG trajectory analysis for interactive multi-trajectory planner assistant
D Scorza, E De Momi, L Plaino, G Amoroso, G Arnulfo, M Narizzano, ...
International journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery 12, 1727-1738, 2017
Twelve years of QBF evaluations: QSAT is PSPACE-hard and it shows
P Marin, M Narizzano, L Pulina, A Tacchella, E Giunchiglia
Fundamenta Informaticae 149 (1-2), 133-158, 2016
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