Christopher S. Elmendorf
Christopher S. Elmendorf
Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor of Law, UC Davis
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Structuring judicial review of electoral mechanics: explanations and opportunities
CS Elmendorf
U. Pa. L. Rev. 156, 313, 2007
Making Sense of Section 2: Of Biased Votes, Unconstitutional Elections, and Common Law Statutes
CS Elmendorf
U. Pa. L. Rev. 160, 377, 2011
Informing consent: Voter ignorance, political parties, and election law
CS Elmendorf, D Schleicher
U. Ill. L. Rev., 363, 2013
Beyond the double veto: Housing plans as preemptive intergovernmental compacts
CS Elmendorf
Hastings LJ 71, 79, 2019
Ideas, incentives, gifts, and governance: toward conservation stewardship of private land, in cultural and psychological perspective
CS Elmendorf
U. Ill. L. Rev., 423, 2003
Representation Reinforcement Through Advisory Commissions: The Case of Election Law
CS Elmendorf
NYUL Rev. 80, 1366, 2005
Administering Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act After Shelby County
CS Elmendorf, DM Spencer
Colum. L. Rev. 115, 2143, 2015
Lost in space? Information shortcuts, spatial voting, and local government representation
C Boudreau, CS Elmendorf, SA MacKenzie
Political Research Quarterly 68 (4), 843-855, 2015
Racial or spatial voting? The effects of candidate ethnicity and ethnic group endorsements in local elections
C Boudreau, CS Elmendorf, SA MacKenzie
American Journal of Political Science 63 (1), 5-20, 2019
Undue Burdens on Voter Participation: New Pressures for a Structural Theory of the Right to Vote
CS Elmendorf
Hastings Const. LQ 35, 643, 2007
Election Commissions and Electoral Reform: An Overview
CS Elmendorf
Election Law Journal 5 (4), 425-446, 2006
State Courts, Citizen Suits, and the Enforcement of Federal Environmental Law by Non-Article III Plaintiffs
CS Elmendorf
The Yale Law Journal 110 (6), 1003-1044, 2001
Racially polarized voting
CS Elmendorf, KM Quinn, MA Abrajano
U. Chi. L. Rev. 83, 587, 2016
Advisory counterparts to constitutional courts
CS Elmendorf
Duke LJ 56, 953, 2006
Refining the Democracy Canon
CS Elmendorf
Cornell L. Rev. 95, 1051, 2009
Why Party Democrats Need Popular Democracy and Popular Democrats Need Parties
EJ Leib, CS Elmendorf
Calif. L. Rev. 100, 69, 2012
The geography of racial stereotyping: Evidence and implications for VRA preclearance after Shelby County
CS Elmendorf, DM Spencer
Calif. L. Rev. 102, 1123, 2014
Auctioning the upzone
CS Elmendorf, D Shanske
Case W. Res. L. Rev. 70, 513, 2019
Gatekeeping vs. Balancing in the Constitutional Law of Elections: Methodological Uncertainty on the High Court
CS Elmendorf, EB Foley
Wm. & Mary Bill Rts. J. 17, 507, 2008
Making It Work
CS Elmendorf, E Biber, P Monkkonen, M O’Neill
Ecology Law Quarterly 47 (4), 973-1060, 2020
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