Ari Rahman
Ari Rahman
Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Infrastructure Planning, Universitas Pertamina
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Carbon footprint assessment at Universitas Pertamina from the scope of electricity, transportation, and waste generation: toward a green campus and promotion of environmental …
B Ridhosari, A Rahman
Journal of Cleaner Production 246, 119172, 2020
Color removal of reactive procion dyes by clay adsorbents
A Rahman, T Urabe, N Kishimoto
Procedia Environmental Sciences 17, 270-278, 2013
Overview of municipal solid waste generation and energy utilization potential in major cities of Indonesia
FD Qonitan, IWK Suryawan, A Rahman
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1858 (1), 012064, 2021
Life cycle assessment of solid waste generation during and before pandemic of covid-19 in Bali Province
IWK Suryawan, A Rahman, IY Septiariva, S Suhardono, IMW Wijaya
Journal of Sustainability Science and Management 16 (1), 11-21, 2021
Effects of waste glass additions on quality of textile sludge-based bricks
A Rahman, T Urabe, N Kishimoto, S Mizuhara
Environmental technology 36 (19), 2443-2450, 2015
Adsorption characteristics of clay adsorbents–sepiolite, kaolin and synthetic talc–for removal of R eactive Y ellow 138: 1
A Rahman, N Kishimoto, T Urabe
Water and Environment Journal 29 (3), 375-382, 2015
Environmental impact of municipal wastewater management based on analysis of life cycle assessment in Denpasar City
IWK Suryawan, A Rahman, JW Lim, Q Helmy
Desalination and water treatment 244, 55-62, 2021
Tantangan multikulturalisme di indonesia: menyoal relasi agama dan ruang publik
AZ Ayunda, SM Urbaningkrum, AW Nusaibah, W Septiana, SSN Widyani, ...
ALSYS Jurnal Keislaman dan Ilmu Pendidikan 2, 1-18, 2022
Methylene blue removal by carbonized textile sludge-based adsorbent
A Rahman, N Kishimoto, T Urabe, K Ikeda
Water Science and Technology 76 (11), 3126-3134, 2017
Global warming potential from public transportation activities during covid-19 pandemic in Jakarta, Indonesia
C Noviarini, A Rahman, IWK Suryawan, IY Septiariva, S Suhardono
International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering 12 (2), 223-227, 2022
Buku Ajar Berpikir Solusi Kreatif (Creative Problem Solving)
G Kurnia, A Dahliyanti, B Ridhasari, A Rahman, I Madrinovella, ...
Salemba Teknika, 2019
Visitor willingness to pay for decarbonizing tourism: Supporting a net-zero transition in Nusa Penida, Indonesia
IWK Suryawan, A Rahman, S Suhardono, CH Lee
Energy for Sustainable Development 85, 101628, 2025
Influence of synthesis approach and formulation on the physicochemical properties of chitin and chitosan from Black Soldier Fly
N Azmi, SSM Lock, NT Berghuis, A Sarwono, NL Zahra, A Rahman, ...
Results in Engineering 23, 102401, 2024
Pemantauan Kualitas Udara Ambien di Komplek Universitas Pertamina pada Masa Pandemi COVID-19: Monitoring of Ambient Air Quality in Universitas Pertamina Areas during the COVID …
NL Zahra, FA Haidar, Y Hanum, D Ramadhanti, R Ramadhan, A Rahman, ...
Jurnal Teknologi Lingkungan 23 (1), 084-091, 2022
Estimation of biodiesel production from used cooking oil of university cafetaria to support sustainable electricity in Universitas Pertamina
A Rahman, IWK Suryawan, A Sarwono, NL Zahra, ZM Faruqi
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 591 (1), 012013, 2020
Influence of coagulant species on sulfur oxide (SOx) emission from the textile sewage sludge combustion
A Rahman, N Kishimoto, T Urabe
International Journal of Environmental Science and Development 4 (5), 558, 2013
Design of Hazardous Waste Storage Area for Fecal Sludge Briquettes by Waste Impoundment in Indonesia
N Ulhasanah, DUF Widanarko, FA Erlingga, EB Fitrah, W Aulia, DM Sari, ...
Journal of Sustainable Infrastructure 1 (1), 35-48, 2022
Occupational Risk Assessment Using the Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) Method in the Production Room of Bearing Industry
Y Handoko, A Rahman, F Qonitan, S Bayu
Proceedings of the 1st International Conferences on Contemporary Risk …, 2022
Kajian pengurangan emisi karbon melalui optimalisasi pemanfaatan limbah rumah potong hewan sebagai biogas
A Juraida, Y Prambudia, A Rahman, NI Saragih
Peningkatan Kapasitas dan Klasifikasi Desa Wisata Alamendah Melalui Pelatihan Pengelolaan dan Pencatatan Keuangan
N Ruswandi, AC Kurniawan, R Vikaliana, YA Iskandar, W Septiana, ...
IKRA-ITH ABDIMAS 8 (3), 180-191, 2024
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