Eduardo Secchi
Eduardo Secchi
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande-FURG
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe furg.br
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Southern Hemisphere humpback whales wintering off Central America: insights from water temperature into the longest mammalian migration
K Rasmussen, DM Palacios, J Calambokidis, MT Saborío, L Dalla Rosa, ...
Biology letters 3 (3), 302-305, 2007
Plastics in sea surface waters around the Antarctic Peninsula
ALF Lacerda, LS Rodrigues, E Van Sebille, FL Rodrigues, L Ribeiro, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 3977, 2019
Vessel collisions with small cetaceans worldwide and with large whales in the Southern Hemisphere, an initial assessment
K Van Waerebeek, AN Baker, F Félix, J Gedamke, M Iñiguez, GP Sanino, ...
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, 43-69, 2007
First determination of UV filters in marine mammals. Octocrylene levels in Franciscana dolphins
P Gago-Ferrero, MB Alonso, CP Bertozzi, J Marigo, L Barbosa, M Cremer, ...
Environmental science & technology 47 (11), 5619-5625, 2013
Aspects of habitat use patterns of humpback whales in the Abrolhos Bank, Brazil, breeding ground
CCA Martins, ME Morete, MHE Coitinho, AC Freitas, ER Secchi, PG Kinas
Migrations of individually identified humpback whales between the Antarctic Peninsula and South America
P Stevick, A Aguayo-Lobo, J Allen, IC Ávila, J Capella, C Castro, K Chater, ...
Mamiferos Acuaticos Sudamerica Antartida
D Rodríguez, E Secchi, VMF Silva
Vazquez Mazzini Editores, 2007
Applying the phylogeographic concept to identify franciscana dolphin stocks: implications to meet management objectives
ER Secchi, D DANILEwICz, PH Ott
J. Cetacean Res. Manage. 5 (1), 61-68, 2003
Movements of satellite-monitored humpback whales on their feeding ground along the Antarctic Peninsula
L Dalla Rosa, ER Secchi, YG Maia, AN Zerbini, MP Heide-Jørgensen
Polar Biology 31, 771-781, 2008
Pyrethroids: a new threat to marine mammals?
MB Alonso, ML Feo, C Corcellas, LG Vidal, CP Bertozzi, J Marigo, ...
Environment International 47, 99-106, 2012
Southern Right Whale (Eubalaena australis) Reproductive Success is Influenced by Krill (Euphausia superba) Density and Climate
E Seyboth, KR Groch, L Dalla Rosa, K Reid, PAC Flores, ER Secchi
Scientific reports 6 (1), 28205, 2016
Plastic debris ingested by a Blainville’s beaked whale, Mesoplodon densirostris, washed ashore in Brazil
ER Secchi, S Zarzur
Killer whale (Orcinus orca) interactions with the tuna and swordfish longline fishery off southern and south-eastern Brazil: a comparison with shark interactions
L Dalla Rosa, ER Secchi
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 87 (1 …, 2007
A review of the occurrence and distribution of whales of the genus Balaenoptera along the Brazilian coast
AN Zerbini, ER Secchi, S Siciliano, PC Simões-Lopes
Report of the International Whaling Commission 47, 407-417, 1997
Remarkably low genetic diversity and strong population structure in common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) from coastal waters of the Southwestern …
PF Fruet, ER Secchi, F Daura-Jorge, E Vermeulen, PAC Flores, ...
Conservation Genetics 15, 879-895, 2014
Migratory destinations of humpback whales from the Magellan Strait feeding ground, Southeast Pacific
J Acevedo, K Rasmussen, F Felix, C Castro, M Llano, E Secchi, ...
Marine Mammal Science 23 (2), 453-463, 2007
Effects of fishing by-catch and conservation status of the franciscana dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei
ER Secchi, PH Ott, D Danilewicz
Marine mammals: Fisheries, tourism and management issues, 174-191, 2003
Sousa chinensis
RR Reeves, ML Dalebout, TA Jefferson, L Karczmarski, K Laidre, ...
IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2014, 2008
New insights on the dominance of cryptophytes in Antarctic coastal waters: a case study in Gerlache Strait
CRB Mendes, VM Tavano, TS Dotto, R Kerr, MS De Souza, CAE Garcia, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 149, 161-170, 2018
Long-term seasonal and interannual patterns of marine mammal strandings in subtropical western South Atlantic
JHF Prado, PH Mattos, KG Silva, ER Secchi
PLoS One 11 (1), e0146339, 2016
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