Bruce Luyendyk
Bruce Luyendyk
Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Marine Geophysics, University of California, Santa Barbara
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Bedmap2: improved ice bed, surface and thickness datasets for Antarctica
P Fretwell, HD Pritchard, DG Vaughan, JL Bamber, NE Barrand, R Bell, ...
The cryosphere 7 (1), 375-393, 2013
East Pacific Rise: hot springs and geophysical experiments
FN Spiess, KC Macdonald, T Atwater, R Ballard, A Carranza, D Cordoba, ...
Science 207 (4438), 1421-1433, 1980
Microplate capture, rotation of the western Transverse Ranges, and initiation of the San Andreas transform as a low-angle fault system
C Nicholson, CC Sorlien, T Atwater, JC Crowell, BP Luyendyk
Geology 22 (6), 491-495, 1994
Geometric model for Neogene crustal rotations in southern California
BP Luyendyk, MJ Kamerling, R Terres
Geological Society of America Bulletin 91 (4), 211-217, 1980
The world's most spectacular marine hydrocarbon seeps (Coal Oil Point, Santa Barbara Channel, California): Quantification of emissions
JS Hornafius, D Quigley, BP Luyendyk
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 104 (C9), 20703-20711, 1999
Timing and extent of Neogene tectonic rotation in the western Transverse Ranges, California
J Scott Hornafius, BP Luyendyk, RR Terres, MJ Kamerling
Geological Society of America Bulletin 97 (12), 1476-1487, 1986
A model for Neogene crustal rotations, transtension, and transpression in southern California
BP Luyendyk
Geological Society of America Bulletin 103 (11), 1528-1536, 1991
Simple shear of southern California during Neogene time suggested by paleomagnetic declinations
BP Luyendyk, MJ Kamerling, RR Terres, JS Hornafius
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 90 (B14), 12454-12466, 1985
Deep-tow studies of the structure of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge crest near lat 37 N
KC MacDonald, BP Luyendyk
Geological society of America bulletin 88 (5), 621-636, 1977
Hypothesis for Cretaceous rifting of east Gondwana caused by subducted slab capture
BP Luyendyk
Geology 23 (4), 373-376, 1995
Tectonic rotations of the Santa Monica Mountains region, western Transverse Ranges, California, suggested by paleomagnetic vectors
MJ Kamerling, BP Luyendyk
Geological Society of America Bulletin 90 (4), 331-337, 1979
Mantle flow pressure and the angle of subduction: Non‐Newtonian corner flows
A Tovish, G Schubert, BP Luyendyk
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 83 (B12), 5892-5898, 1978
Marine sediments: dating by the racemization of amino acids
JL Bada, BP Luyendyk, JB Maynard
Science 170 (3959), 730-732, 1970
Neogene clockwise tectonic rotation of the eastern Transverse Ranges, California, suggested by paleomagnetic vectors
JN Carter, BP Luyendyk, RR Terres
Geological Society of America Bulletin 98 (2), 199-206, 1987
Experimental approach to the paleocirculation of the oceanic surface waters
BP Luyendyk, D Forsyth, JD Phillips
Geological Society of America Bulletin 83 (9), 2649-2664, 1972
California Coast Range ophiolite: composite middle and late Jurassic oceanic lithosphere
CA Hopson, JM Mattinson, EA Pessagno, BP Luyendyk
Dips of downgoing lithospheric plates beneath island arcs
BP Luyendyk
Geological Society of America Bulletin 81 (11), 3411-3416, 1970
Paleomagnetism and Neogene tectonics of the northern Channel Islands, California
MJ Kamerling, BP Luyendyk
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 90 (B14), 12485-12502, 1985
Natural marine seepage blowout: Contribution to atmospheric methane
I Leifer, BP Luyendyk, J Boles, JF Clark
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 20 (3), 2006
Initiation of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet and estimates of total Antarctic ice volume in the earliest Oligocene
DS Wilson, D Pollard, RM DeConto, SSR Jamieson, BP Luyendyk
Geophysical Research Letters 40 (16), 4305-4309, 2013
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