Coupling predictive scheduling and reactive control in manufacturing hybrid control architectures: state of the art and future challenges O Cardin, D Trentesaux, A Thomas, P Castagna, T Berger, ... Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 28, 1503-1517, 2017 | 118 | 2017 |
Ontology-based system for supporting manufacturing sustainability A Giovannini, A Aubry, H Panetto, M Dassisti, H El Haouzi Annual Reviews in Control 36 (2), 309-317, 2012 | 82 | 2012 |
A generic framework to support the implementation of six sigma approach in SMEs S Deeb, H Bril-El Haouzi, A Aubry, M Dassisti IFAC-PapersOnLine 51 (11), 921-926, 2018 | 50 | 2018 |
Contribution to reusability and modularity of manufacturing systems simulation models: Application to distributed control simulation within DFT context H El Haouzi, A Thomas, JF Pétin International Journal of Production Economics 112 (1), 48-61, 2008 | 49 | 2008 |
Simulation for supply chain management: An overview C Thierry, A Thomas, G Bel ISTE Ltd and John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2008 | 49 | 2008 |
Industry 5.0 and its technologies: A systematic literature review upon the human place into IoT-and CPS-based industrial systems E Valette, HB El-Haouzi, G Demesure Computers & Industrial Engineering 184, 109426, 2023 | 48 | 2023 |
Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi Agent Manufacturing and Robotics T Borangiu, A Thomas, D Trentesaux Springer 472, 390, 2013 | 42 | 2013 |
Coupling digital simulation and machine learning metamodel through an active learning approach in Industry 4.0 context S Chabanet, HB El-Haouzi, P Thomas Computers in Industry 133, 103529, 2021 | 36 | 2021 |
Using a classifier ensemble for proactive quality monitoring and control: The impact of the choice of classifiers types, selection criterion, and fusion process P Thomas, HB El Haouzi, MC Suhner, A Thomas, E Zimmermann, ... Computers in Industry 99, 193-204, 2018 | 35 | 2018 |
Toward digital twins for sawmill production planning and control: benefits, opportunities, and challenges S Chabanet, H Bril El-Haouzi, M Morin, J Gaudreault, P Thomas International Journal of Production Research 61 (7), 2190-2213, 2023 | 34 | 2023 |
Multi-agent systems negotiation to deal with dynamic scheduling in disturbed industrial context TT Mezgebe, H Bril El Haouzi, G Demesure, R Pannequin, A Thomas Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 31, 1367-1382, 2020 | 34 | 2020 |
Design and validation of a product-driven control system based on a six sigma methodology and discrete event simulation H El Haouzi, JF Pétin, A Thomas Production Planning and Control 20 (6), 510-524, 2009 | 34 | 2009 |
Jobs scheduling within Industry 4.0 with consideration of worker’s fatigue and reliability using Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure I El Mouayni, G Demesure, H Bril-El Haouzi, P Charpentier, A Siadat IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (19), 85-90, 2019 | 30 | 2019 |
Social dimensions in CPS & IoT based automated production systems HB El-Haouzi, E Valette, BJ Krings, AB Moniz Societies 11 (3), 98, 2021 | 26 | 2021 |
Evaluating order acceptance policies for divergent production systems with co-production L Dumetz, J Gaudreault, A Thomas, N Lehoux, P Marier, H El-Haouzi International Journal of Production Research 55 (13), 3631-3643, 2017 | 25 | 2017 |
Approche méthodologique pour l'intégration des systèmes contrôlés par le produit dans un environnement de juste-à-temps: Application à l'entreprise Trane H El Haouzi Université Henri Poincaré-Nancy I, 2008 | 25 | 2008 |
Distributed permutation flow shop scheduling problem with worker flexibility: Review, trends and model proposition T Mraihi, OB Driss, HB El-Haouzi Expert Systems with Applications 238, 121947, 2024 | 24 | 2024 |
Adaptive smart card-based pull control systems in context-aware manufacturing systems: Training a neural network through multi-objective simulation optimization N Azouz, H Pierreval Applied Soft Computing 75, 46-57, 2019 | 24 | 2019 |
Toward a sustainable new product development approach based on industry 4.0 assets J Bibaud-Alves, HB El-Haouzi, P Thomas, V Boucinha Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing: Proceedings of …, 2019 | 23 | 2019 |
Knowledge representation, retrieval and reuse for product family design: An anti-logicist approach A Giovannini, A Aubry, H Panetto, H El Haouzi, OC Junior, L Pierrel Computers & Industrial Engineering 101, 391-402, 2016 | 23 | 2016 |