Manuel Holler
Citat de
Citat de
Digital twin concepts in manufacturing industries-a literature review and avenues for further research
M Holler, F Uebernickel, W Brenner
Proceedings of the 18th international conference on industrial engineering …, 2016
Understanding the business value of intelligent products for product development in manufacturing industries
M Holler, F Uebernickel, W Brenner
Proceedings of the 2016 8th International Conference on Information …, 2016
Digital product innovation in manufacturing industries-towards a taxonomy for feedback-driven product development scenarios
M Holler, G Neiditsch, F Uebernickel, W Brenner
Towards understanding closed-loop PLM: the role of product usage data for product development enabled by intelligent properties
M Holler, E Stoeckli, F Uebernickel, W Brenner
Trustworthy product lifecycle management using blockchain technology—experience from the automotive ecosystem
M Holler, L Barth, R Fuchs
Product lifecycle management (volume 4): the case studies, 13-19, 2019
Understanding the business value: towards a taxonomy of industrial use scenarios enabled by cyber-physical systems in the equipment manufacturing industry
MM Herterich, M Holler, F Uebernickel, W Brenner
Towards a method compendium for the development of digitised products-findings from a case study
M Holler, M Herterich, C Dremel, F Uebernickel, W Brenner
International Journal of Product Lifecycle Management 11 (2), 131-153, 2018
Defining archetypes of e-collaboration for product development in the automotive industry
M Holler, F Uebernickel, W Brenner
Product Lifecycle Management im Konzernumfeld-Herausforderungen, Lösungsansätze und Handlungsempfehlungen.
M Holler, C Dremel, M Herterich, F Uebernickel, W Brenner
HMD Prax. Wirtsch. 55 (1), 133-150, 2018
Smart Dust und Micro Robots im industriellen Sektor: Chancen, offene Punkte und Handlungsempfehlungen
M Holler, C Dremel, B van Giffen, R Fuchs
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 57 (6), 1239-1250, 2020
Smart Dust in the Industrial Economic Sector–On Application Cases in Product Lifecycle Management
M Holler, J Haarmann, B Van Giffen, AG Frank
IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, 165-175, 2020
Value generation in the product lifecycle with digital twins: Status quo in Swiss companies
L Barth, M Ehrat, G Galeno, M Holler, N Savic
55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), virtual, 3 …, 2022
Exploring the willingness-to-share data of digitized products in B2B manufacturing industries
M Holler, H Vogt, L Barth
32nd Bled eConference-Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society, Bled …, 2019
Smart dust for smart (er) industrial product-service-systems: three strategies and their application
M Holler, B van Giffen, L Barth, R Fuchs
Smart Services Summit: Digital as an Enabler for Smart Service Business …, 2021
Welche datenbasierten Servicemodelle sind erfolgsversprechend für KMU der Maschinen‑, Anlagen‑, Elektro-und Metallindustrie?
H Vogt, M Ehrat, R Fuchs, M Holler
HMD Praxis der Wirtschaftsinformatik 58, 521-536, 2021
The General Data Protection Regulation in Financial Services Industries: How Do Companies Approach the Implementation of the GDPR and What Can We Learn From Their Approaches?
M Holler, B Spottke, S Benzell, M Ehrat
82nd Annual Business Researchers Conference (VHB 2020), 2020
Challenges in product lifecycle management: evidence from the automotive supply industry
M Holler, F Uebernickel, W Brenner
27th Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS2016), Wollongong …, 2016
Potential of the industrial metaverse–A taxonomic approach
M Holler, T Eloranta, U Demiriz
International Conference on PLM (forthcoming), 2024
From smart connected products to systems of systems: case study and archetypes
M Holler, C Dremel, B Van Giffen, H Vogt
IFIP International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management, 3-13, 2021
Value Creation with Digital Twins—Framework Validation and Analysis of Further Development Priorities
L Barth, M Ehrat, M Holler, R Fuchs
Smart Services Summit: Digital as an Enabler for Smart Service Business …, 2021
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