J F Quesada
J F Quesada
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Maude: Specification and programming in rewriting logic
M Clavel, F Durán, S Eker, P Lincoln, N Martı-Oliet, J Meseguer, ...
Theoretical Computer Science 285 (2), 187-243, 2002
The maude system
M Clavel, F Durán, S Eker, P Lincoln, N Marti-Oliet, J Meseguer, ...
International Conference on Rewriting Techniques and Applications, 240-243, 1999
A maude tutorial
M Clavel, F Durán, S Eker, P Lincoln, N Martı-Oliet, J Meseguer, ...
Computer Science Laboratory, SRI International, 2000
Towards Maude 2.0
M Clave, F Durán, S Eker, P Lincoln, N Marti-Oliet, J Meseguer, ...
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 36, 294-315, 2000
Review of spoken dialogue systems
R López-Cózar, Z Callejas, D Griol, JF Quesada
Loquens 1 (2), 012, 2014
Maude as a metalanguage
M Clavel, F Durán, S Eker, P Lincoln, N Martí-Oliet, J Meseguer, ...
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 15, 147-160, 1998
Maude: specification and programming in rewriting logic. SRI International, January 1999
M Clavel, F Durán, S Eker, P Lincoln, N Martı-Oliet, J Meseguer, ...
Dialogue Management in a Home Machine Environment-Linguistic Components over an Agent Architecture.
JF Quesada, F Garcia, E Sena, JA Bernal, G Amores
Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 27, 2001
Dialogue moves for natural command languages.
JG Amores, JF Quesada
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 27, 2001
Using Maude
M Clavel, F Durán, S Eker, P Lincoln, N Martí-Oliet, J Meseguer, ...
Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering: Third International …, 2000
Maude: Specification and Programming in Rewriting Logic. SRI International
M Clavel, F Durán, S Eker, P Lincoln, N Martı-Oliet, J Meseguer, ...
Computer Science Laboratory, Menlo Park, CA, 1999
The SCP parsing algorithm based on syntactic constraint propagation
JF Quesada
PhD thesis, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain, 1997
JG Amores, JF Quesada
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 21, 1997
A tutorial on Maude. SRI International, March 2000
M Clavel, F Durán, S Eker, P Lincoln, N Martı-Oliet, J Meseguer, ...
Design of a natural command language dialogue system
JF Quesada, D Torre, G Amores
SIRIDUS, Deliverable D 3, 2, 2000
El algoritmo SCP de análisis sintáctico mediante propagación de restricciones.
JF Quesada
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 24, 1999
Influence of aging factors on the furanic aldehyde contents of matured brandies: Aging markes
J Quesada, M Villalón, H López, M López
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 44 (6), 1378-1381, 1996
Un modelo robusto y eficiente para el análisis sintáctico de lenguajes naturales mediante árboles múltiples virtuales
JF Quesada
Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural 19, 1996
A computational model for the efficient retrieval of very large structure-based knowledge bases
JF Quesada, G Amores
Proceedings of Knowledge Representation, Use and Storage for Efficiency …, 1995
Knowledge–based reference resolution for dialogue management in a home domain environment
JF Quesada, G Amores
Proceedings of the sixth workshop on the semantics and pragmatics of …, 2002
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