Chris Hopkinson
Chris Hopkinson
Professor of Geography & Environment, University of Lethbridge
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Twenty-three unsolved problems in hydrology (UPH)–a community perspective
G Blöschl, MFP Bierkens, A Chambel, C Cudennec, G Destouni, A Fiori, ...
Hydrological sciences journal 64 (10), 1141-1158, 2019
Assessing forest metrics with a ground-based scanning lidar
C Hopkinson, L Chasmer, C Young-Pow, P Treitz
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 34 (3), 573-583, 2004
Aboveground biomass density models for NASA’s Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI) lidar mission
L Duncanson, JR Kellner, J Armston, R Dubayah, DM Minor, S Hancock, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 270, 112845, 2022
Testing LiDAR models of fractional cover across multiple forest ecozones
C Hopkinson, L Chasmer
Remote Sensing of Environment 113 (1), 275-288, 2009
Canadian wetland inventory using Google Earth Engine: The first map and preliminary results
M Amani, S Mahdavi, M Afshar, B Brisco, W Huang, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (7), 842, 2019
Vegetation class dependent errors in lidar ground elevation and canopy height estimates in a boreal wetland environment
C Hopkinson, LE Chasmer, G Sass, IF Creed, M Sitar, W Kalbfleisch, ...
Canadian journal of remote sensing 31 (2), 191-206, 2005
The influence of flying altitude, beam divergence, and pulse repetition frequency on laser pulse return intensity and canopy frequency distribution
C Hopkinson
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 33 (4), 312-324, 2007
Investigating laser pulse penetration through a conifer canopy by integrating airborne and terrestrial lidar
L Chasmer, C Hopkinson, P Treitz
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (2), 116-125, 2006
Identifying the genus or species of individual trees using a three-wavelength airborne lidar system
BC Budei, B St-Onge, C Hopkinson, FA Audet
Remote Sensing of Environment 204, 632-647, 2018
Statistical modelling of the snow depth distribution in open alpine terrain
T Grünewald, J Stötter, JW Pomeroy, R Dadic, I Moreno Baños, J Marturià, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17 (8), 3005-3021, 2013
The uncertainty in conifer plantation growth prediction from multi-temporal lidar datasets
C Hopkinson, L Chasmer, R Hall
Remote Sensing of Environment 112 (3), 1168-1180, 2008
Mapping snowpack depth beneath forest canopies using airborne lidar
C Hopkinson, M Sitar, L Chasmer, P Treitz
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 70 (3), 323-330, 2004
Lidar plots—A new large-area data collection option: Context, concepts, and case study
MA Wulder, JC White, CW Bater, NC Coops, C Hopkinson, G Chen
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 38 (5), 600-618, 2012
Remote sensing of photosynthetic light-use efficiency across two forested biomes: Spatial scaling
T Hilker, FG Hall, NC Coops, A Lyapustin, Y Wang, Z Nesic, N Grant, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 114 (12), 2863-2874, 2010
See the forest and the trees: Effective machine and deep learning algorithms for wood filtering and tree species classification from terrestrial laser scanning
Z Xi, C Hopkinson, SB Rood, DR Peddle
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 168, 1-16, 2020
Vegetation height products between 60° S and 60° N from ICESat GLAS data.
SO Los, J Rosette, N Kljun, PRJ North, L Chasmer, J Suárez, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 5, 413-432, 2012
A decision-tree classification for low-lying complex land cover types within the zone of discontinuous permafrost
L Chasmer, C Hopkinson, T Veness, W Quinton, J Baltzer
Remote Sensing of Environment 143, 73-84, 2014
The effect of glacier wastage on the flow of the Bow River at Banff, Alberta, 1951-1993
C Hopkinson, GJ Young
Examining the influence of changing laser pulse repetition frequencies on conifer forest canopy returns
L Chasmer, C Hopkinson, B Smith, P Treitz
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 72 (12), 1359, 2006
Integrating terrestrial and airborne lidar to calibrate a 3D canopy model of effective leaf area index
C Hopkinson, J Lovell, L Chasmer, D Jupp, N Kljun, E van Gorsel
Remote Sensing of Environment 136, 301-314, 2013
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