Dolly Indra
Dolly Indra
Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe umi.ac.id - Pagina de pornire
Citat de
Citat de
Pengukuran kualitas pelayanan, harga dan customer value terhadap kepuasan pelanggan transportasi online bagi kaum millenial
D Indra, R Regita, JT Purba
Journal of Accounting and Management Innovation 3 (1), 14-31, 2019
SPK Untuk Pemilihan Kepala Sekolah Menggunakan Metode Saw dan Profile Matching
D Indra
vol 4, 7-12, 0
Indonesian sign language recognition based on shape of hand gesture
D Indra, S Madenda, EP Wibowo
Procedia Computer Science 161, 74-81, 2019
An artificial neural network approach for detecting skin cancer
S Sugiarti, Y Yuhandri, J Na'am, D Indra, J Santony
Telkomnika (Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control) 17 (2), 788-793, 2019
Strawberry ripeness identification using feature extraction of RGB and K-nearest neighbor
S Anraeni, D Indra, D Adirahmadi, S Pomalingo
2021 3rd East Indonesia conference on computer and information technology …, 2021
†œSPK Untuk Pemilihan Kepala Sekolah Menggunakan Metode Saw dan Profile Matching, †U-NET J. Tek
S Samsir, D Indra, G Hts, SZ Harahap
Inform 4 (1), 7â, 0
Prototipe Sistem Kontrol Pemadam Kebakaran Pada Rumah Berbasis Arduino Uno dan ESP8266
D Indra, EI Alwi, M Al Mubarak
Komputika: Jurnal Sistem Komputer 11 (1), 1-8, 2022
Recognition of Bisindo alphabets based on chain code contour and similarity of Euclidean distance
D Indra
International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering and Information …, 2017
Eggs detection using otsu thresholding method
D Indra, T Hasanuddin, R Satra, NR Wibowo
2018 2nd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2018
Pendeteksian tepi objek menggunakan metode gradien
D Indra
ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah 8 (2), 69-75, 2016
Identifikasi kasus kekurangan gizi pada anak di bawah usia lima tahun di kota Makassar
K Pujiati, SA Dian, D Indra
Jurnal fakultas kesehatan masyarakat 11 (2), 140-145, 2017
Pemanfaatan Information dan Comunication Technology (ICT) Pada SLB Negeri 2 Makassar
D Indra
Celebes Adimas 1 (2), 84-89, 2019
Pengenalan Angka Tulisan Tangan Menggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan
H Herman, L Syafie, D Indra
ILKOM Jurnal Ilmiah 10 (2), 201-206, 2018
Design web-based electrical control system using Raspberry PI
D Indra
Journal of Information Technology and Its Utilization (JITU) 2 (1), 1-3, 2019
Performance Analysis of the Resource Loading Time for Borneo Biodiversity Information System
E Budiman, N Puspitasari, SN Alam, MA Akbar, D Indra
2018 Third International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC), 1-5, 2018
Visi Komputer: Konsep, Metode, dan Aplikasi
Z Munawar, M Hasnawi, IS Beno, IWAS Darma, CK Sastradipraja, ...
Kaizen Media Publishing, 2023
Recognition of Indonesian sign language alphabets using Fourier descriptor method
SE Basri, D Indra, H Darwis, AW Mufila, LB Ilmawan, B Purwanto
2021 3rd East Indonesia Conference on Computer and Information Technology …, 2021
Feature extraction of bisindo alphabets using chain code contour
D Indra
International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET), 2017
Classifying BISINDO alphabet using tensorflow object detection API
LN Hayati, AN Handayani, WSG Irianto, RA Asmara, D Indra, M Fahmi
Ilk. J. Ilm 15 (2), 358-364, 2023
Implementasi Sistem Penghitung Kendaraan Otomatis Berbasis Computer Vision
D Indra, H Herman, FS Budi
Komputika: Jurnal Sistem Komputer 12 (1), 53-62, 2023
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