Conservation of farmland birds faces different challenges in Western and Central-Eastern Europe P Tryjanowski, T Hartel, A Báldi, P Szymański, M Tobolka, I Herzon, ... Acta Ornithologica 46 (1), 1-12, 2011 | 315 | 2011 |
Ekologia ptaków krajobrazu rolniczego P Tryjanowski, S Kuźniak, K Kujawa, L Jerzak Bogucki Wyd. Nauk., Poznań, 390, 2009 | 109 | 2009 |
Correlation of Intensity of MT-I/II Expression with Ki-67 and MCM-2 Proteins in Invasive Ductal Breast Carcinoma A Wojnar, B Pula, A Piotrowska, A Jethon, K Kujawa, C Kobierzycki, J Ryś, ... Anticancer research 31 (9), 3027-3033, 2011 | 68 | 2011 |
Species richness and composition of bird communities in various field margins of Poland A Wuczynski, K Kujawa, Z Dajdok, W Grzesiak Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 141, 202-209, 2011 | 58 | 2011 |
Influence of landscape mosaic structure on diversity of wild plant and animal communities in agricultural landscapes of Poland L Ryszkowski, J Karg, K Kujawa, H Gołdyn, E Arczyńska-Chudy Landscape ecology in agroecosystems management, 185-218, 2001 | 53 | 2001 |
Applying red lists to the evaluation of agricultural habitat: regular occurrence of threatened birds, vascular plants, and bryophytes in field margins of Poland A Wuczyński, Z Dajdok, S Wierzcholska, K Kujawa Biodiversity and Conservation 23, 999-1017, 2014 | 52 | 2014 |
Population density and species composition changes for breeding bird species in farmland woodlots in western Poland between 1964 and 1994 K Kujawa Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 91 (1-3), 261-271, 2002 | 52 | 2002 |
Relationships between the structure of mid-field woods and their breeding bird communities K Kujawa Acta Ornithologica 32 (2), 175-184, 1997 | 44 | 1997 |
Determination of pain intensity, pain-related disability, anxiety, depression, and perceived stress in Polish adults with temporomandibular disorders: a prospective cohort study M Wieckiewicz, A Jenca Jr, P Seweryn, S Orzeszek, A Petrasova, ... Frontiers in Integrative Neuroscience 16, 1026781, 2022 | 34 | 2022 |
Grzyby wielkoowocnikowe polskich Bieszczadów. Część I. B Gierczyk, P Chachuła, D Karasiński, A Kujawa, K Kujawa, T Pachlewski, ... Parki Narodowe i Rezerwaty Przyrody 28 (3), 3-100, 2009 | 32 | 2009 |
The effect of land cover and fragmentation of agricultural landscape on the density of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia L.) in Brandenburg, Germany C Latus, K Kujawa Polish journal of Ecology 53 (4), 535-543, 2005 | 30 | 2005 |
The effect of a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet versus moderate-carbohydrate and fat diet on body composition in patients with lipedema M Jeziorek, A Szuba, K Kujawa, B Regulska-Ilow Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity: Targets and Therapy, 2545-2561, 2022 | 25 | 2022 |
Relationships between the abundance of breeding birds in Western Poland and the structure of agricultural landscape K Kujawa, P Tryjanowski Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 46, 2000 | 24 | 2000 |
Morphology of the Lacrimal Gland and Superficial Gland of the Third Eyelid of Roe Deer (Capreolus Capreolus L.). J Klećkowska-Nawrot, K Marycz, J Czogała, K Kujawa, M Janeczek, ... Pakistan Veterinary Journal 33 (2), 2013 | 22 | 2013 |
Effect of young midfield shelterbelts development on species richness of macrofungi communities and their functional structure A Kujawa, K Kujawa Polish Journal of Ecology 56 (1), 45, 2008 | 21 | 2008 |
Two doses of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine in patients after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: humoral response and serological conversion predictors M Majcherek, A Matkowska-Kocjan, D Szymczak, M Karasek, A Szeremet, ... Cancers 14 (2), 325, 2022 | 20 | 2022 |
Zagrożenia różnorodności biologicznej w krajobrazie rolniczym: czy badania wykonywane w Europie Zachodniej pozwalają na poprawną diagnozę w Polsce P Tryjanowski, Z Dajdok, K Kujawa, T Kałuski, M Mrówczyński Polish Journal of Agronomy 7, 113-119, 2011 | 20 | 2011 |
Influence of land-use change within agricultural landscapes on the abundance and diversity of breeding bird communities K Kujawa Functional appraisal of agricultural landscape in Europe, 183-196, 1994 | 20 | 1994 |
Wpływ struktury zadrzewień oraz struktury krajobrazu rolniczego na zgrupowania ptaków lęgowych w zadrzewieniach K Kujawa Wydawnictwo Akademii Rolniczej im. Augusta, 2006 | 19* | 2006 |
The influence of landscape structure on White Stork's Ciconia ciconia nest distribution C Latus, K Kujawa, M Glemnitz Acta Orn. 35, 97-102, 2000 | 19 | 2000 |