Solidago L. JC Semple, RE Cook Magnoliophyta: Asteridae, Part 7, 2006 | 197* | 2006 |
Astereae L Brouillet, TK Lowrey, LE Urbatsch, V Karaman-Castro, G Sancho, ... International Association for Plant Taxonomy, 2009 | 109 | 2009 |
A review of chromosome numbers in the Asteraceae with hypotheses on chromosome base number evolution. JC Semple, K Watanabe Systematics, evolution, and biogeography of Compositae, 61-72, 2009 | 94 | 2009 |
Chromosome numbers of goldenrods, Euthamia and Solidago (Compositae: Astereae). II. Additional counts with comments on cytogeography JC Semple, GS Ringius, C Leeder, G Morton Brittonia 36 (3), 280-292, 1984 | 91 | 1984 |
A synopsis of North American asters: the subgenera, sections and subsections of Aster and Lasallea JC Semple, L Brouillet American Journal of Botany 67 (7), 1010-1026, 1980 | 86 | 1980 |
The goldenrods of Ontario: Solidago L. and Euthamia Nutt JC Semple, GS Ringius, JJ Zhang Department of Biology, University of Waterloo, 1999 | 84 | 1999 |
Symphyotrichum L Brouillet, JC Semple, GA Allen, KL Chambers, SD Sundberg Flora of North America 20, 465-539, 2006 | 82 | 2006 |
Cytogeography of Solidago gigantea (Asteraceae) and its invasive ploidy level DR Schlaepfer, PJ Edwards, JC Semple, R Billeter Journal of Biogeography 35 (11), 2119-2127, 2008 | 67 | 2008 |
Asteraceae (Compositae) Z Shi, YL Chen, YS Chen, YR Lin, SW Liu, XJ Ge, TG Gao, SX Zhu, Y Liu, ... Flora of China 20, 21, 2011 | 62 | 2011 |
Next‐generation sampling: Pairing genomics with herbarium specimens provides species‐level signal in Solidago (Asteraceae) JB Beck, JC Semple Applications in Plant Sciences 3 (6), 1500014, 2015 | 53 | 2015 |
Chromosome number determinations in fam. Compositae, tribe Astereae. V. Eastern North American taxa JC Semple, J Zhang, CS Xiang Rhodora, 234-253, 1993 | 53 | 1993 |
Chromosome numbers and satellite chromosome morphology in Aster and Lasallea JC Semple, L Brouillet American Journal of Botany 67 (7), 1027-1039, 1980 | 52 | 1980 |
A multivariate morphometrics study of the Solidago altissima complex and S. canadensis (Aateraceae: Astereae) JC Semple, H Rahman, S Sbovski, MK Sorour, K Kornobis, ... Guy Nesom, 2015 | 51 | 2015 |
Chromosome number determinations in fam. Compositae, tribe Astereae. III. Additional counts and comments on generic limits and ancestral base numbers JC Semple, JG Chmielewski, MA Lane Rhodora, 296-314, 1989 | 50 | 1989 |
Cultivated and Native Asters of Ontario (Compositae: Astereae): Aster L.(including Asteromoea Blume, Diplactis Raf. and Kalimeris (Cass.) Cass.), Callistephus Cass., Galatella … JC Semple, SB Heard, L Brouillet Department of Biology, University of Waterloo, 2002 | 46 | 2002 |
Chromosome numbers of goldenrods, Euthamia and Solidago (Compositae-Astereae) JC Semple, RA Brammall, J Chmielewski Canadian Journal of Botany 59 (7), 1167-1173, 1981 | 46 | 1981 |
Chromosome number determinations in fam. Compositae tribe Astereae JC Semple Rhodora, 517-527, 1985 | 39 | 1985 |
Morphological, anatomical, habit, and habitat differences among the goldenaster genera Chrysopsis, Heterotheca, and Pityopsis (Compositae–Astereae) JC Semple, VC Blok, P Heiman Canadian Journal of Botany 58 (2), 147-163, 1980 | 39 | 1980 |
Chromosome number determinations in fam. Compositae, tribe Astereae. II. Additional counts JC Semple, JG Chmielewski Rhodora 89 (859), 319-325, 1987 | 37 | 1987 |
Chromosome number determinations in Aster L.(Compositae) with comments on cytogeography, phylogeny and chromosome morphology JC Semple, JG Chmielewski, CC Chinnappa American journal of botany 70 (10), 1432-1443, 1983 | 37 | 1983 |