Alexander Silaev
Alexander Silaev
Alte numeАлександр Силаев
Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Science
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe appl.sci-nnov.ru
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Citat de
Two-Color Laser-Plasma Generation of Terahertz Radiation Using a Frequency-Tunable Half Harmonic of a Femtosecond Pulse
NV Vvedenskii, AI Korytin, VA Kostin, AA Murzanev, AA Silaev, ...
Physical review letters 112 (5), 055004, 2014
Residual-current excitation in plasmas produced by few-cycle laser pulses
AA Silaev, NV Vvedenskii
Physical review letters 102 (11), 115005, 2009
Ionization-Induced Multiwave Mixing: Terahertz Generation with Two-Color Laser Pulses of Various Frequency Ratios
VA Kostin, ID Laryushin, AA Silaev, NV Vvedenskii
Physical Review Letters 117 (3), 035003, 2016
Analytic theory of high-order-harmonic generation by an intense few-cycle laser pulse
MV Frolov, NL Manakov, AM Popov, OV Tikhonova, EA Volkova, ...
Physical Review A 85 (3), 033416, 2012
Strong-field phenomena caused by ultrashort laser pulses: Effective one-and two-dimensional quantum-mechanical descriptions
AA Silaev, MY Ryabikin, NV Vvedenskii
Physical Review A 82 (3), 033416, 2010
Analytic description of high-order harmonic generation by atoms in a two-color laser field
MV Frolov, NL Manakov, AA Silaev, NV Vvedenskii
Physical Review A 81 (6), 063407, 2010
High-order harmonic generation by atoms in a few-cycle laser pulse: Carrier-envelope phase and many-electron effects
MV Frolov, NL Manakov, AA Silaev, NV Vvedenskii, AF Starace
Physical Review A 83 (2), 021405, 2011
Ionization Mechanism of the Generation of Tunable Ultrashort Pulses in the Mid-Infrared Range
AA Silaev, VA Kostin, ID Laryushin, NV Vvedenskii
JETP Letters 107 (3), 151-156, 2018
Control of Harmonic Generation by the Time Delay Between Two-Color, Bicircular Few-Cycle Mid-IR Laser Pulses
MV Frolov, NL Manakov, AA Minina, NV Vvedenskii, AA Silaev, MY Ivanov, ...
Physical Review Letters 120 (26), 263203, 2018
Analytical description of generation of the residual current density in the plasma produced by a few-cycle laser pulse
AA Silaev, NV Vvedenskii
Physics of Plasmas 22 (5), 053103, 2015
Influence of the polarization of a multielectron atom in a strong laser field on high-order harmonic generation
AA Romanov, AA Silaev, MV Frolov, NV Vvedenskii
Physical Review A 101 (1), 013435, 2020
XUV-assisted high-order-harmonic-generation spectroscopy
TS Sarantseva, MV Frolov, NL Manakov, AA Silaev, NV Vvedenskii, ...
Physical Review A 98 (6), 063433, 2018
Attosecond-pulse metrology based on high-order harmonic generation
TS Sarantseva, MV Frolov, NL Manakov, AA Silaev, AA Romanov, ...
Physical Review A 101 (1), 013402, 2020
Quantum-mechanical approach for calculating the residual quasi-dc current in a plasma produced by a few-cycle laser pulse
AA Silaev, NV Vvedenskii
Physica Scripta 2009 (T135), 014024, 2009
Study of high-order harmonic generation in xenon based on time-dependent density-functional theory
AA Romanov, AA Silaev, TS Sarantseva, MV Frolov, NV Vvedenskii
New Journal of Physics 23 (4), 043014, 2021
Multi-hump potentials for efficient wave absorption in the numerical solution of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation
AA Silaev, AA Romanov, NV Vvedenskii
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 51 (6), 065005, 2018
Time-frequency analysis of high harmonic generation using a probe XUV pulse
TS Sarantseva, AA Silaev, AA Romanov, NV Vvedenskii, MV Frolov
Optics Express 29 (2), 1428-1440, 2021
Analytic description of high-order harmonic generation in the adiabatic limit with application to an initial state in an intense bicircular laser pulse
MV Frolov, NL Manakov, AA Minina, AA Silaev, NV Vvedenskii, MY Ivanov, ...
Physical Review A 99 (5), 053403, 2019
Generation of tunable mid-and far-infrared pulses during gas ionization by a chirped two-color laser field
AA Silaev, AA Romanov, NV Vvedenskii
Optics Letters 45 (16), 4527-4530, 2020
Atomic photoionization experiment by harmonic-generation spectroscopy
MV Frolov, TS Sarantseva, NL Manakov, KD Fulfer, BP Wilson, J Troß, ...
Physical Review A 93 (3), 031403, 2016
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