Maria I. Gorinova
Maria I. Gorinova
Afiliere necunoscută
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Citat de
Citat de
Grand: Graph neural diffusion
B Chamberlain, J Rowbottom, MI Gorinova, M Bronstein, S Webb, E Rossi
International conference on machine learning, 1407-1418, 2021
On the unreasonable effectiveness of feature propagation in learning on graphs with missing node features
E Rossi, H Kenlay, MI Gorinova, BP Chamberlain, X Dong, MM Bronstein
Learning on graphs conference, 11: 1-11: 16, 2022
Automatic Reparameterisation of Probabilistic Programs
MI Gorinova, D Moore, MD Hoffman
Proceedings of International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2020
Probabilistic programming with densities in SlicStan: efficient, flexible, and deterministic
MI Gorinova, AD Gordon, C Sutton
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 3 (POPL), 1-30, 2019
Conditional independence by typing
MI Gorinova, AD Gordon, C Sutton, M Vákár
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 44 (1), 1-54, 2021
Effect handling for composable program transformations in Edward2
D Moore, MI Gorinova
2019 International Conference on Probabilistic Programming (PROBPROG), 2018
A live, multiple-representation probabilistic programming environment for novices
MI Gorinova, A Sarkar, AF Blackwell, D Syme
Proceedings of the 2016 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems …, 2016
Usability of Probabilistic Programming Languages.
AF Blackwell, L Church, M Erwig, J Geddes, A Gordon, IG Maria, ...
PPIG, 53-68, 2019
Predicting gaming related properties from twitter profiles
A Kalaitzis, MI Gorinova, Y Lewenberg, Y Bachrach, M Fagan, D Carignan, ...
2016 IEEE Second International Conference on Big Data Computing Service and …, 2016
Transforming spreadsheets with data noodles
MI Gorinova, A Sarkar, AF Blackwell, K Prince
2016 IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC …, 2016
Predicting gaming related properties from twitter accounts
M Gorinova, Y Lewenberg, Y Bachrach, A Kalaitzis, M Fagan, D Carignan, ...
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 30 (1), 2016
The end-user programming challenge of data wrangling
MI Gorinova, K Prince, S Meakins, A Vuylsteke, M Jones, AF Blackwell
Proceedings of the 27th annual workshop of the Psychology of Programming …, 2016
Program analysis of probabilistic programs
MI Gorinova
arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.06868, 2022
Probabilistic Programming with SlicStan
MI Gorinova
Master’s thesis. University of Edinburgh, 2017
SlicStan: A Blockless Stan-like Language
MI Gorinova, AD Gordon, C Sutton
StanCon, 2018
Interactive Development Environment for Probabilistic Programming
MI Gorinova
GRAND: Graph Neural Diffusion Supplementary Material
BP Chamberlain, J Rowbottom, M Gorinova, S Webb, E Rossi, ...
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