Emmanuel T Malisa
Emmanuel T Malisa
Lecturer, Sokoine University of Agriculture
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Citat de
The role of development projects in strengthening community-based adaptation strategies: the case of Uluguru Mountains agricultural development project (UMADEP)-Morogoro-Tanzania
KR Mussa, IC Mjemah, ET Malisa
International Scholars Journals, 2012
Soil and water conservation practices in the Uluguru mountains: the influence of high value crops promotion
ET Malisa
Sokoine University of Agriculture, 2011
Implications of institutional interplay on land management: A case of traditional land tenure and formal laws in the Uluguru Mountains, Tanzania
ET Malisa, CP Mahonge
Land Use Policy 129, 106626, 2023
The role of formal and informal institutions in land management in the Uluguru Mountains, Morogoro, Tanzania
ET Malisa, AZ Mattee, CP Mahonge
Sustainability Science 18 (4), 2009-2021, 2023
Promoting sustainable agriculture and natural resource management through the process approach: experience from UMADEP project of Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
AZ Mattee, IM Busindeli, ETN Malisa
Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 19 (1), 44-52, 2020
The influence of high value crops promotion on soil and water conservation practices in the Uluguru Mountains
ET Malisa, AZ Mattee, J de Graaff
Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 15 (2), 2016
Factors Influencing Change of Smallholder Organic Horticultural Farmer Organisations under Nongovernmental Organisations in Two Selected Regions in Tanzania
UW Mmari, CP Mahonge, ET Malisa
Technology and Investment 14 (4), 189-219, 2023
Compliance drivers in community economic development projects: Analysis from Tanzania Social Action Fund (TASAF-III) beneficiaries’ perspectives
GMM Maswe, ET Malisa, BB Kazuzuru
International Journal of Development and Sustainability 12 (10), 479-503, 2023
Agricultural practices for rural development and environmental conservation under chagga home garden production systems: a case of Moshi district, Tanzania
DE Ringo, JK Urassa, ET Malisa
International Journal of Development and Sustainability, 2022
The effectiveness of RIPAT approach in influencing smallholder farmers’ agroecological transition in Ruangwa District, Tanzania
NJ Ringo, JF Kessy, ET Malisa
Discover Agriculture 2 (1), 1-12, 2024
Impact of compliance with project requirements on projects value outcomes: Evaluation from TASAF-III beneficiaries’ perspectives in Tanzania
GMM Maswe, ET Malisa, BB Kazuzuru
The Accountancy and Business Review 16 (4), 2024
The Networks of Smallholder Organic Horticultural Farmer Organizations and Other Value Chain Actors for Their Change in Two Selected Regions in Tanzania
UW Mmari, CP Mahonge, ET Malisa
Technology and Investment 15 (4), 236-276, 2024
Communities’ Perceptions Toward Agricultural Projects in Kishapu District, Tanzania
AJ Shinyanga, ET Malisa, A Jesse
East African Journal of Agriculture and Biotechnology 6 (1), 295-305, 2023
Change Process for Organisational Change of Networking Smallholder Organic Horticultural Farmer Organisations under Non-Governmental Organisations in Tanzania
UW Mmari, CP Mahonge, ET Malisa
Technology and Investment 14 (4), 340-365, 2023
Effectiveness of grassroots institutions in governing land management: a case of the uluguru mountains, Morogoro, Tanzania
ET Malisa
Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 (1), 13-27, 2023
A Narrative Review of Community Engagement in the Identification, Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Projects in Tanzania
AM Jesse, ET Malisa
Tanzania Journal of Community Development 3 (1), 83-101, 2023
Implementation of agricultural sector development programme’s priority interventions: Are the interactions among agricultural sector lead ministries optimal?
ET Malisa, SS Nyanda, FP Mabiki, JK Urassa
Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 22 (2), 134-145, 2023
Factors influencing implementation of strategic plans in local government authorities of Tanzania: evidence from Kishapu and Shinyanga district councils
B Mbundu, ET Malisa
SARC Publisher, 2023
Influence of exogenous variables on interaction of small scale farmers with other actors in agricultural projects: a case of RIPAT-SUA project in Morogoro region, Tanzania
GP Ringo, ET Malisa
Tanzania Journal of Agricultural Sciences 21 (1), 299-314, 2022
Governance principles for local level groundwater management in Njombe District, Tanzania
JL Gudaga, SJ Kabote, ET Malisa
Journal of African Studies and Development 14 (3), 88-98, 2022
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