Feng Hong
Feng Hong
Department of Computer Science and Technology, Ocean University of China
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe ouc.edu.cn - Pagina de pornire
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Passive diagnosis for wireless sensor networks
K Liu, M Li, Y Liu, M Li, Z Guo, F Hong
Proceedings of the 6th ACM conference on Embedded network sensor systems …, 2008
Perpendicular intersection: Locating wireless sensors with mobile beacon
Z Guo, Y Guo, F Hong, Z Jin, Y He, Y Feng, Y Liu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (7), 3501-3509, 2010
LDB: Localization with directional beacons for sparse 3D underwater acoustic sensor networks
H Luo, Z Guo, W Dong, F Hong, Y Zhao
Journal of networks 5 (1), 28, 2010
Energy balanced strategies for maximizing the lifetime of sparsely deployed underwater acoustic sensor networks
H Luo, Z Guo, K Wu, F Hong, Y Feng
sensors 9 (9), 6626-6651, 2009
WFID: Passive device-free human identification using WiFi signal
F Hong, X Wang, Y Yang, Y Zong, Y Zhang, Z Guo
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous …, 2016
Human activity sensing with wireless signals: A survey
J Liu, G Teng, F Hong
Sensors 20 (4), 1210, 2020
Simulation and experimentation platforms for underwater acoustic sensor networks: Advancements and challenges
H Luo, K Wu, R Ruby, F Hong, Z Guo, LM Ni
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (2), 1-44, 2017
A convolutional neural network using surface data to predict subsurface temperatures in the Pacific Ocean
M Han, Y Feng, X Zhao, C Sun, F Hong, C Liu
IEEE Access 7, 172816-172829, 2019
Current progress and research issues in underwater sensor networks
Z Guo, H Luo, F Hong, M Yang, LM Ni
Jisuanji Yanjiu yu Fazhan/Computer Research and Development 47 (3), 377, 2010
Waving authentication: your smartphone authenticate you on motion gesture
F Hong, M Wei, S You, Y Feng, Z Guo
Proceedings of the 33rd annual ACM conference extended abstracts on human …, 2015
A TDMA-based MAC protocol in underwater sensor networks
L Hong, F Hong, ZW Guo, X Yang
2008 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and …, 2008
WaP: Indoor localization and tracking using WiFi-Assisted Particle filter
F Hong, Y Zhang, Z Zhang, M Wei, Y Feng, Z Guo
39th annual IEEE conference on local computer networks, 210-217, 2014
E2DTS: an energy efficiency distributed time synchronization algorithm for underwater acoustic mobile sensor networks
Z Li, Z Guo, F Hong, L Hong
Ad Hoc Networks 11 (4), 1372-1380, 2013
FVID: fishing vessel type identification based on VMS trajectories
H Huang, F Hong, J Liu, C Liu, Y Feng, Z Guo
Journal of Ocean University of China 18, 403-412, 2019
Review of recent progress on wireless sensor network applications
F Hong, HW Chu, ZK Jin, TJ Shan, ZW Guo
Journal of computer Research and Development 47 (z2), 81-87, 2010
Oceansense: A practical wireless sensor network on the surface of the sea
M Jiang, Z Guo, F Hong, Y Ma, H Luo
2009 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2009
Trajectory prediction for ocean vessels base on K-order multivariate Markov chain
S Guo, C Liu, Z Guo, Y Feng, F Hong, H Huang
Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications: 13th International …, 2018
PChord: improvement on Chord to achieve better routing efficiency by exploiting proximity
F Hong, M Li, M Wu, J Yu
IEICE transactions on information and systems 89 (2), 546-554, 2006
MGRA: Motion gesture recognition via accelerometer
F Hong, S You, M Wei, Y Zhang, Z Guo
Sensors 16 (4), 530, 2016
ECS: Efficient communication scheduling for underwater sensor networks
L Hong, F Hong, Z Guo, Z Li
Sensors 11 (3), 2920-2938, 2011
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