Linc: A compact yet powerful coordination environment M Louvel, F Pacull International Conference on Coordination Languages and Models, 83-98, 2014 | 44 | 2014 |
Think: View-based support of non-functional properties in embedded systems M Anne, R He, T Jarboui, M Lacoste, O Lobry, G Lorant, M Louvel, ... 2009 International Conference on Embedded Software and Systems, 147-156, 2009 | 43 | 2009 |
Twenty years of coordination technologies: State-of-the-art and perspectives G Ciatto, S Mariani, M Louvel, A Omicini, F Zambonelli International Conference on Coordination Languages and Models, 51-80, 2018 | 27 | 2018 |
Design framework for reliable multiple autonomic loops in smart environments AN Sylla, M Louvel, E Rutten, G Delaval 2017 International conference on cloud and autonomic computing (ICCAC), 131-142, 2017 | 27 | 2017 |
A network resource management framework for multimedia applications distributed in heterogeneous home networks M Louvel, P Bonhomme, JP Babau, A Plantec 2011 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2011 | 16 | 2011 |
Insight: Interoperability and service management for the digital home C El Kaed, A Chazalet, L Petit, Y Denneulin, M Louvel, FG Ottogalli Proceedings of the Middleware 2011 Industry Track Workshop, 1-6, 2011 | 14 | 2011 |
Modular and hierarchical discrete control for applications and middleware deployment in IoT and smart buildings AN Sylla, M Louvel, E Rutten, G Delaval 2018 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA), 1472-1479, 2018 | 13 | 2018 |
Energy optimisation using analytics and coordination, the example of lifts V Boutin, C Desdouits, M Louvel, F Pacull, MI Vergara-Gallego, ... Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Emerging Technology and Factory Automation …, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Combining transactional and behavioural reliability in adaptive middleware AN Sylla, M Louvel, E Rutten Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Adaptive and Reflective …, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Twenty years of coordination technologies: COORDINATION contribution to the state of art G Ciatto, S Mariani, GDM Serugendo, M Louvel, A Omicini, F Zambonelli Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 113, 100531, 2020 | 8 | 2020 |
Resource management for multimedia applications, distributed in open and heterogeneous home networks M Louvel, A Plantec, JP Babau Journal of Systems Architecture 59 (3), 121-134, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
Quantity of resource aggregation for heterogeneous resource reservation for multimedia applications M Louvel, J Pulou, A Plantec, JP Babau 2010 IEEE 15th Conference on Emerging Technologies & Factory Automation …, 2010 | 8 | 2010 |
Design framework for reliable and environment aware management of smart environment devices AN Sylla, M Louvel, E Rutten Journal of Internet Services and Applications 8, 1-21, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Coordination Rules Generation from Coloured Petri Net Models. AN Sylla, M Louvel, F Pacull PNSE@ Petri Nets, 325-326, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
Implementation of an energy management control strategy for wsns using the linc middleware MI Vergara-Gallego, O Mokrenko, M Louvel, S Lesecq, F Pacull Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on Embedded Wireless …, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Coordination Scheme Editor for building management systems M Louvel, F Pacull, MI Vergara-Gallego IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2016 | 5 | 2016 |
Rapid prototyping of complete systems, the case study of a smart parking LF Ducreux, C Guyon-Gardeux, M Louvel, F Pacull, SR Thior, ... 2015 International Symposium on Rapid System Prototyping (RSP), 133-139, 2015 | 5 | 2015 |
Ensuring qos of multimedia applications in heterogeneous home networks: the cpu use case M Louvel, J Tous, JP Babau, A Plantec 2011 IFIP 9th International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing …, 2011 | 5 | 2011 |
Development tools for rule-based coordination programming in LINC M Louvel, F Pacull, E Rutten, AN Sylla Coordination Models and Languages: 19th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference …, 2017 | 4 | 2017 |
VBR video abstraction for home-network reservation L Lemarchand, M Louvel, JP Babau Embedded and Multimedia Computing Technology and Service: EMC 2012, 113-122, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |