Veronika Braunisch
Veronika Braunisch
University of Bern, CH & Forest Research Institute, Freiburg, D
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From publications to public actions: when conservation biologists bridge the gap between research and implementation
R Arlettaz, M Schaub, J Fournier, TS Reichlin, A Sierro, JEM Watson, ...
BioScience 60 (10), 835-842, 2010
Selecting from correlated climate variables: a major source of uncertainty for predicting species distributions under climate change
V Braunisch, J Coppes, R Arlettaz, R Suchant, H Schmid, K Bollmann
Ecography 36 (9), 971-983, 2013
Ski tourism affects habitat use and evokes a physiological stress response in capercaillie Tetrao urogallus: a new methodological approach
D Thiel, S Jenni‐Eiermann, V Braunisch, R Palme, L Jenni
Journal of applied ecology 45 (3), 845-853, 2008
SDMtune: An R package to tune and evaluate species distribution models
S Vignali, AG Barras, R Arlettaz, V Braunisch
Ecology and Evolution 10 (20), 11488-11506, 2020
Remotely sensed forest structural complexity predicts multi species occurrence at the landscape scale
F Zellweger, V Braunisch, A Baltensweiler, K Bollmann
Forest Ecology and Management 307, 303-312, 2013
Living on the edge—modelling habitat suitability for species at the edge of their fundamental niche
V Braunisch, K Bollmann, RF Graf, AH Hirzel
Ecological modelling 214 (2-4), 153-167, 2008
Environmental predictors of species richness in forest landscapes: abiotic factors versus vegetation structure
F Zellweger, A Baltensweiler, C Ginzler, T Roth, V Braunisch, H Bugmann, ...
Journal of Biogeography 43 (6), 1080-1090, 2016
Conservation science relevant to action: a research agenda identified and prioritized by practitioners
V Braunisch, R Home, J Pellet, R Arlettaz
Biological Conservation 153, 201-210, 2012
Spatially explicit modeling of conflict zones between wildlife and snow sports: prioritizing areas for winter refuges
V Braunisch, P Patthey, R Arlettaz
Ecological Applications 21 (3), 955-967, 2011
Alternative tactics and individual reproductive success in natural associations of the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides
JK Müller, V Braunisch, W Hwang, AK Eggert
Behavioral Ecology 18 (1), 196-203, 2007
To integrate or to segregate: balancing commodity production and biodiversity conservation in European forests
K Bollmann, V Braunisch
Integrative approaches as an opportunity for the conservation of forest …, 2013
Predicting species distributions based on incomplete survey data: the trade‐off between precision and scale
V Braunisch, R Suchant
Ecography 33 (5), 826-840, 2010
Human recreation affects spatio-temporal habitat use patterns in red deer (Cervus elaphus)
J Coppes, F Burghardt, R Hagen, R Suchant, V Braunisch
PloS one 12 (5), e0175134, 2017
Temperate mountain forest biodiversity under climate change: compensating negative effects by increasing structural complexity
V Braunisch, J Coppes, R Arlettaz, R Suchant, F Zellweger, K Bollmann
PloS one 9 (5), e97718, 2014
Outdoor recreation causes effective habitat reduction in capercaillie Tetrao urogallus: a major threat for geographically restricted populations
J Coppes, J Ehrlacher, D Thiel, R Suchant, V Braunisch
Journal of Avian Biology 48 (12), 1583-1594, 2017
A model for evaluating the ‘habitat potential’of a landscape for capercaillie Tetrao urogallus: a tool for conservation planning
V Braunisch, R Suchant
Wildlife biology 13, 21-33, 2007
Disentangling the effects of climate, topography, soil and vegetation on stand-scale species richness in temperate forests
F Zellweger, V Braunisch, F Morsdorf, A Baltensweiler, M Abegg, T Roth, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 349, 36-44, 2015
Modelling functional landscape connectivity from genetic population structure: a new spatially explicit approach
V Braunisch, G Segelbacher, AH Hirzel
Molecular Ecology 19 (17), 3664-3678, 2010
Improved methods for measuring forest landscape structure: LiDAR complements field-based habitat assessment
F Zellweger, F Morsdorf, RS Purves, V Braunisch, K Bollmann
Biodiversity and Conservation 23, 289-307, 2014
New vineyard cultivation practices create patchy ground vegetation, favouring Woodlarks
R Arlettaz, ML Maurer, P Mosimann-Kampe, S Nusslé, F Abadi, ...
Journal of Ornithology 153, 229-238, 2012
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