Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - long liAflați mai multe
Nu sunt disponibile nicăieri: 15
An efficient three-factor remote user authentication protocol based on BPV-FourQ for internet of drones
N Zhang, Q Jiang, L Li, X Ma, J Ma
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 14, 3319-3332, 2021
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Knowledge-based interactive postmining of user-preferred co-location patterns using ontologies
X Bao, T Gu, L Chang, Z Xu, L Li
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 52 (9), 9467-9480, 2021
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Intrusion detection system based on improved abc algorithm with tabu search
T Gu, H Chen, L Chang, L Li
IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering 14 (11), 1652-1660, 2019
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A survey of researches on personalized bundle recommendation techniques
M Li, X Bao, L Chang, Z Xu, L Li
Machine Learning for Cyber Security: Third International Conference, ML4CS …, 2020
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The intrusion detection model based on parallel multi-artificial bee colony and support vector machine
L Li, S Zhang, Y Zhang, L Chang, T Gu
2019 Eleventh International Conference on Advanced Computational …, 2019
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Individual fairness for local private graph neural network
X Wang, T Gu, X Bao, L Chang, L Li
Knowledge-Based Systems 268, 110490, 2023
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Collusive model poisoning attack in decentralized federated learning
S Tan, F Hao, T Gu, L Li, M Liu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 20 (4), 5989-5999, 2023
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
An adaptive dummy-based mechanism to protect location privacy in smart health care system
J Huang, L Chang, L Li, X Bao
2020 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and …, 2020
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
A dynamic load balancing algorithm for iov comp communications
D Du, L Jiang, T Guo, L Wu, L Li, X Zeng
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 31 (12), 2250220, 2022
Mandate: Chinese Academy of Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Behavior-based ethical understanding in chinese social news
X Feng, T Gu, X Bao, L Li
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 14 (3), 2349-2360, 2022
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
ESN-NER: Entity storage network using attention mechanism for chinese NER
W Wang, L Chang, C Bin, W Xuan, W Chen, L Li
Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence …, 2019
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Algebraic Decision Diagram-Based CP-ABE with Constant Secret and Fast Decryption
Y Fang, T Gu, L Chang, L Li
2020 International Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and …, 2020
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Fed-DSP: Federated Learning with Dynamic Sparse Perturbation
S Liu, M Zhang, Q Fu, L Li
2024 4th International Conference on Neural Networks, Information and …, 2024
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Considering Fine-Grained and Coarse-Grained Information for Context-Aware Recommendations
Y Luo, Y Sun, L Chang, T Gu, C Bin, L Li
The Computer Journal 65 (3), 679-688, 2022
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A Poisoning Attack Against the Recognition Model Trained by the Data Augmentation Method
Y Yang, L Li, L Chang, T Gu
Machine Learning for Cyber Security: Third International Conference, ML4CS …, 2020
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Disponibile undeva: 19
A ciphertext-policy attribute-based encryption based on an ordered binary decision diagram
L Li, T Gu, L Chang, Z Xu, Y Liu, J Qian
IEEE access 5, 1137-1145, 2017
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A secure and trustworthy medical record sharing scheme based on searchable encryption and blockchain
X Tang, C Guo, KKR Choo, Y Liu, L Li
Computer Networks 200, 108540, 2021
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Location privacy protection scheme for LBS in IoT
H Li, X Xue, Z Li, L Li, J Xiong
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 2021 (1), 9948543, 2021
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Do we need to pay technical debt in blockchain software systems?
Y Qu, T Bao, X Chen, L Li, X Dou, M Yuan, H Wang
Connection Science 34 (1), 2026-2047, 2022
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
EAFS: An efficient, accurate, and forward secure searchable encryption scheme supporting range search
P Tian, C Guo, KKR Choo, Y Liu, L Li, L Yao
IEEE Systems Journal 16 (2), 3450-3460, 2021
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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