Soheil Dariushi
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A study on tensile properties of a novel fiber/metal laminates
SE Moussavi-Torshizi, S Dariushi, M Sadighi, P Safarpour
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (18-19), 4920-4925, 2010
3D-printed bio-inspired zero Poisson’s ratio graded metamaterials with high energy absorption performance
R Hamzehei, A Zolfagharian, S Dariushi, M Bodaghi
Smart Materials and Structures 31 (3), 035001, 2022
An experimental study on the effect of adding multi-walled carbon nanotubes on high-velocity impact behavior of fiber metal laminates
H Khoramishad, H Alikhani, S Dariushi
Composite Structures 201, 561-569, 2018
Octagonal auxetic metamaterials with hyperelastic properties for large compressive deformation
R Hamzehei, J Kadkhodapour, AP Anaraki, S Rezaei, S Dariushi, ...
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 145, 96-105, 2018
Determining process-window for manufacturing of continuous carbon fiber-reinforced composite Using 3D-printing
N Mosleh, AM Rezadoust, S Dariushi
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 36 (4), 409-418, 2021
Design and modeling of the 2D auxetic metamaterials with hyperelastic properties using topology optimization approach
S Rezaei, J Kadkhodapour, R Hamzehei, B Taherkhani, AP Anaraki, ...
Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications 43, 100868, 2021
Optimal face sheet thickness of 3D printed polymeric hexagonal and re-entrant honeycomb sandwich beams subjected to three-point bending
H Geramizadeh, S Dariushi, SJ Salami
Composite Structures 291, 115618, 2022
A study on flexural properties of sandwich structures with fiber/metal laminate face sheets
S Dariushi, M Sadighi
Applied Composite Materials 20, 839-855, 2013
A new nonlinear high order theory for sandwich beams: An analytical and experimental investigation
S Dariushi, M Sadighi
Composite Structures 108, 779-788, 2014
An experimental study of the fibre orientation and laminate sequencing effects on mechanical properties of Glare
M Sadighi, S Dariushi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of …, 2008
An investigation on blunt notch behavior of fiber metal laminates containing notch with different shapes
E Sadeghpour, M Sadighi, S Dariushi
Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites 32 (15), 1143-1152, 2013
An advanced high-order theory for bending analysis of moderately thick faced sandwich beams
SJ Salami, S Dariushi, M Sadighi, M Shakeri
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 56, 1-11, 2016
Crashworthiness analysis of cylindrical tubes with coupling effects under quasi-static axial loading: An experimental and numerical study
H Mansoori, R Hamzehei, S Dariushi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …, 2022
Numerical and experimental investigation for enhancing the energy absorption capacity of the novel three-dimensional printed sandwich structures
H Geramizadeh, S Dariushi, SJ Salami
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of …, 2021
An investigation on tensile properties of glass fiber/aluminium laminates
M Sadighi, M Tajdari, S Dariushi
Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology 22 (1), 31-39, 2009
An Experimental Study on Impact Behavior of Fiber/Metal Laminates
M Sadighi, S Dariushi
Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology 21 (4), 315-327, 2008
A nonlinear high order theory for analysis of sandwich beam with flexible core under low velocity impact
S Dariushi, M Sadighi
Modares Mechanical Engineering 15 (9), 381-388, 2015
Effect of processing parameters on the fabrication of fiber metal laminates by vacuum infusion process
S Dariushi, AM Rezadoust, R Kashizadeh
Polymer Composites 40 (11), 4167-4174, 2019
Fiber Metal Laminates under Low Velocity Impact: An Experimental/Analytical Approach
MS Boroujerdy, S Dariushi, M Sadighi
Iranian Journal of Polymer Science and Technology 24, 69-78, 2011
An experimental and numerical investigation on mechanical properties of 3D printed continuous glass tow preg-reinforced composites
N Mosleh, S Dariushi, M Esfandeh
Rapid Prototyping Journal 28 (7), 1284-1296, 2022
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