Oskar Paris
Oskar Paris
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A reconsideration of the relationship between the crystallite size La of carbons determined by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy
GA Zickler, B Smarsly, N Gierlinger, H Peterlik, O Paris
Carbon 44 (15), 3239-3246, 2006
Viscoelastic properties of collagen: synchrotron radiation investigations and structural model
R Puxkandl, I Zizak, O Paris, J Keckes, W Tesch, S Bernstorff, P Purslow, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B …, 2002
Mapping amorphous calcium phosphate transformation into crystalline mineral from the cell to the bone in zebrafish fin rays
J Mahamid, B Aichmayer, E Shimoni, R Ziblat, C Li, S Siegel, O Paris, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (14), 6316-6321, 2010
Decomposition and carbonisation of wood biopolymers—a microstructural study of softwood pyrolysis
O Paris, C Zollfrank, GA Zickler
Carbon 43 (1), 53-66, 2005
A customizable software for fast reduction and analysis of large X-ray scattering data sets: applications of the new DPDAK package to small-angle X-ray scattering and grazing …
G Benecke, W Wagermaier, C Li, M Schwartzkopf, G Flucke, R Hoerth, ...
Applied Crystallography 47 (5), 1797-1803, 2014
Continuous structural evolution of calcium carbonate particles: a unifying model of copolymer-mediated crystallization
AN Kulak, P Iddon, Y Li, SP Armes, H Cölfen, O Paris, RM Wilson, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (12), 3729-3736, 2007
Quantification of ion confinement and desolvation in nanoporous carbon supercapacitors with modelling and in situ X-ray scattering
C Prehal, C Koczwara, N Jäckel, A Schreiber, M Burian, H Amenitsch, ...
Nature Energy 2 (3), 1-8, 2017
Bone mineralization in an osteogenesis imperfecta mouse model studied by small-angle x-ray scattering.
P Fratzl, O Paris, K Klaushofer, WJ Landis
The Journal of clinical investigation 97 (2), 396-402, 1996
Influence of coherency stress on microstructural evolution in model Ni-Al-Mo alloys
M Fährmann, P Fratzl, O Paris, E Fährmann, WC Johnson
Acta metallurgica et materialia 43 (3), 1007-1022, 1995
Infrared emitting and photoconducting colloidal silver chalcogenide nanocrystal quantum dots from a silylamide-promoted synthesis
M Yarema, S Pichler, M Sytnyk, R Seyrkammer, RT Lechner, ...
ACS nano 5 (5), 3758-3765, 2011
Characteristics of mineral particles in the human bone/cartilage interface
I Zizak, P Roschger, O Paris, BM Misof, A Berzlanovich, S Bernstorff, ...
Journal of Structural Biology 141 (3), 208-217, 2003
Imaging of the helical arrangement of cellulose fibrils in wood by synchrotron X-ray microdiffraction
H Lichtenegger, M Müller, O Paris, C Riekel, P Fratzl
Applied Crystallography 32 (6), 1127-1133, 1999
The grinding tip of the sea urchin tooth exhibits exquisite control over calcite crystal orientation and Mg distribution
Y Ma, B Aichmayer, O Paris, P Fratzl, A Meibom, RA Metzler, Y Politi, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (15), 6048-6053, 2009
A new experimental station for simultaneous X-ray microbeam scanning for small-and wide-angle scattering and fluorescence at BESSY II
O Paris, C Li, S Siegel, G Weseloh, F Emmerling, H Riesemeier, A Erko, ...
Applied Crystallography 40 (s1), s466-s470, 2007
Microtexture and chitin/calcite orientation relationship in the mineralized exoskeleton of the American lobster
A Al‐Sawalmih, C Li, S Siegel, H Fabritius, S Yi, D Raabe, P Fratzl, ...
Advanced functional materials 18 (20), 3307-3314, 2008
Tracking the structural arrangement of ions in carbon supercapacitor nanopores using in situ small-angle X-ray scattering
C Prehal, D Weingarth, E Perre, RT Lechner, H Amenitsch, O Paris, ...
Energy & Environmental Science 8 (6), 1725-1735, 2015
On the mineral in collagen of human crown dentine
A Märten, P Fratzl, O Paris, P Zaslansky
Biomaterials 31 (20), 5479-5490, 2010
Strontium is incorporated into mineral crystals only in newly formed bone during strontium ranelate treatment
C Li, O Paris, S Siegel, P Roschger, EP Paschalis, K Klaushofer, P Fratzl
Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 25 (5), 968-975, 2010
Insights into the chemical composition of Equisetum hyemale by high resolution Raman imaging
N Gierlinger, L Sapei, O Paris
Planta 227, 969-980, 2008
Novel insights into nanopore deformation caused by capillary condensation
G Günther, J Prass, O Paris, M Schoen
Physical review letters 101 (8), 086104, 2008
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