Mohammad Iman Alizadeh
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Demand response in smart electricity grids equipped with renewable energy sources: A review
J Aghaei, MI Alizadeh
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 18, 64-72, 2013
Flexibility in future power systems with high renewable penetration: A review
M. I. Alizadeh, M. Parsa Moghaddam, N. Amjady, P. Siano, M. K. Sheikh-el-eslami
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 57, 1186–1193, 2016
Multi-objective self-scheduling of CHP (combined heat and power)-based microgrids considering demand response programs and ESSs (energy storage systems)
J Aghaei, MI Alizadeh
Energy 55, 1044-1054, 2013
Overview of electric energy distribution networks expansion planning
V Vahidinasab, M Tabarzadi, H Arasteh, MI Alizadeh, MM Beigi, ...
IEEE Access 8, 34750-34769, 2020
Contribution of emergency demand response programs in power system reliability
J Aghaei, MI Alizadeh, P Siano, A Heidari
Energy 103, 688-696, 2016
Critical peak pricing with load control demand response program in unit commitment problem
J Aghaei, MI Alizadeh
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 7 (7), 681-690, 2013
Multistage multiresolution robust unit commitment with nondeterministic flexible ramp considering load and wind variabilities
MI Alizadeh, MP Moghaddam, N Amjady
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 9 (2), 872-883, 2017
Optimal reserve market clearing considering uncertain demand response using information gap decision theory
Kianoush Ghahary , Amir Abdollahi, Masoud Rashidinejad, Mohammad Iman Alizadeh
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2018
Robust n–k contingency constrained unit commitment with ancillary service demand response program
J Aghaei, MI Alizadeh
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 8 (12), 1928-1936, 2014
Allocation of demand response resources: toward an effective contribution to power system voltage stability
J Aghaei, MI Alizadeh, A Abdollahi, M Barani
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 10 (16), 4169-4177, 2016
A novel two-stage TSO–DSO coordination approach for managing congestion and voltages
M Usman, MI Alizadeh, F Capitanescu, II Avramidis, AG Madureira
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 147, 108887, 2023
Envisioning security control in renewable dominated power systems through stochastic multi-period AC security constrained optimal power flow
M Iman Alizadeh, M Usman, F Capitanescu
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 2021
Optimal demand response strategies to mitigate wind power variability and gas‐supply uncertainty in a multi‐resolution robust security constrained unit commitment
H Safipour, A Abdollahi, MS Hajmohammadi, MI Alizadeh
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 14 (14), 2740-2750, 2020
A tractable linearization-based approximated solution methodology to stochastic multi-period ac security-constrained optimal power flow
MI Alizadeh, F Capitanescu
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (6), 5896-5908, 2022
Robust flexibility driven security constrained unit commitment under wind uncertainty considering demand response and combined-cycle units
MA Sadeghi, MJ Shahbazzadeh, A Abdollahi, M Eslami, MI Alizadeh
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 137, 107814, 2022
A novel TSO-DSO ancillary service procurement coordination approach for congestion management
MI Alizadeh, M Usman, F Capitanescu, AG Madureira
2022 IEEE power & energy society general meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2022
Flexibility contribution of heat ventilation and air conditioning loads in a multi‐stage robust unit commitment with non‐deterministic variability‐oriented ramp reserves
MI Alizadeh, M Parsa Moghaddam, N Amjady
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 12 (12), 3037-3045, 2018
Toward stochastic multi-period AC security constrained optimal power flow to procure flexibility for managing congestion and voltages
MI Alizadeh, M Usman, F Capitanescu
2021 International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST …, 2021
Impacts of distribution network reconfiguration on aggregated DER flexibility
A Churkin, M Sanchez-Lopez, MI Alizadeh, F Capitanescu, EAM Ceseña, ...
2023 IEEE Belgrade PowerTech, 1-7, 2023
Optimal scheduling of flexible ramp product and emerging flexible resources considering short-term variability impacts in power system with high RESs penetration: A novel …
L Saberi, MI Alizadeh, MP Moghaddam
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 142 (A), 2022
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