Jiun-Ting (Tim) Lin
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Early warning for great earthquakes from characterization of crustal deformation patterns with deep learning
JT Lin, D Melgar, AM Thomas, J Searcy
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (10), e2021JB022703, 2021
Learning source, path and site effects: CNN-based on-site intensity prediction for earthquake early warning
H Zhang, D Melgar, V Sahakian, J Searcy, JT Lin
Geophysical Journal International 231 (3), 2186-2204, 2022
Overlapping regions of coseismic and transient slow slip on the Hawaiian décollement
JT Lin, KS Aslam, AM Thomas, D Melgar
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 544, 116353, 2020
Quick determination of earthquake source parameters from GPS measurements: A study of suitability for Taiwan
JT Lin, WL Chang, D Melgar, A Thomas, CY Chiu
Geophysical Journal International 219 (2), 1148-1162, 2019
Potential megathrust co-seismic slip during the 2020 Sand Point, Alaska strike-slip earthquake
SR Santellanes, D Melgar, BW Crowell, JT Lin
Authorea Preprints, 2022
Real‐time fault tracking and ground motion prediction for large earthquakes with HR‐GNSS and deep learning
JT Lin, D Melgar, VJ Sahakian, AM Thomas, J Searcy
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 128 (12), e2023JB027255, 2023
Detection of Hidden Low-Frequency Earthquakes in Southern Vancouver Island with Deep Learning
JT Lin, A Thomas, L Bachelot, D Toomey, J Searcy, D Melgar
Seismica 2 (4), 2024
S Coda and Rayleigh Waves From a Decade of Repeating Earthquakes Reveal Discordant Temporal Velocity Changes Since the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake
W Yu, JT Lin, J Su, TRA Song, CC Kang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (7), e2020JB019794, 2020
Segmentation in gravity and magnetic anomalies along the US East Coast passive margin: Implications for incipient structure of the oceanic lithosphere (Paper 2000JB900292)
MD Behn, J Lin
Rayleigh‐Love Discrepancy Highlights Temporal Changes in Near‐Surface Radial Anisotropy After the 2004 Great Sumatra Earthquake
W Yu, TRA Song, J Su, JT Lin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 126 (12), e2021JB022896, 2021
Harnessing rupture determinism for early warning with GNSS and recurrent neural networks
JT Lin, D Melgar, A Thomas, J Searcy
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, S52B-04, 2019
An unexplained tsunami: Was there megathrust slip during the 2020 Mw7. 6 Sand Point, Alaska, earthquake?
S Santellanes, D Goldberg, P Koch, D Melgar, W Yeck, B Crowell, JT Lin
Seismica 4 (1), 2025
Seismic Instrument Failure Detection and Forecasting with Machine Learning
JT Lin, AC Aguiar, Q Kong, A Price
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, S44A-08, 2023
From Strong Motion to InSAR: Efficient Generation of Large Magnitude Synthetic Data for Machine Learning Applications
D Melgar, I Rodero, M Adair, JT Lin, S Dybing, D Small, T Nye, ...
Fall Meeting 2022, 2022
Rapid Ground Motion Forecasting for Large Earthquakes with HR-GNSS and Deep Learning
JT Lin, D Melgar, AM Thomas, VJ Sahakian, J Searcy
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, NH33A-08, 2022
Machine Learning in Large and Small Earthquakes: from Rapid Large Earthquake Characterization to Slow Fault Zone Processes
JT Lin
University of Oregon, 2022
Rapid Determination of Magnitude, Location, and Source Extent with HR-GNSS and Deep Learning
JT Lin, D Melgar, A Thomas, V Sahakian, J Searcy
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, S14A-05, 2021
Megathrust co-seismic slip during the Sand Point, Alaska strike-slip Earthquake
S Santellanes, D Melgar, B Crowell, JT Lin
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, S54C-07, 2021
Temporal velocity changes in the crust associated with the 2007 South Sumatra great earthquake doublet
WC Yu, JT Lin, J Su, TRA Song, CC Kang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, S43D-0629, 2018
Rapid Characterization of Large Earthquakes with GNSS and Machine Learning
JT Lin, DD Melgar, A Thomas
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2018, S11E-0426, 2018
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