Kenneth Mark Greenwood
Kenneth Mark Greenwood
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Identifying effective psychological treatments for insomnia: a meta-analysis.
DRR Murtagh, KM Greenwood
Journal of consulting and clinical psychology 63 (1), 79, 1995
Cognitive effects of long-term benzodiazepine use: a meta-analysis
MJ Barker, KM Greenwood, M Jackson, SF Crowe
CNS drugs 18, 37-48, 2004
Prevalence of voice problems in teachers
A Russell, J Oates, KM Greenwood
Journal of voice 12 (4), 467-479, 1998
Vocal problems among teachers: a review of prevalence, causes, prevention, and treatment
JA Mattiske, JM Oates, KM Greenwood
Journal of voice 12 (4), 489-499, 1998
Persistence of cognitive effects after withdrawal from long-term benzodiazepine use: a meta-analysis
MJ Barker, KM Greenwood, M Jackson, SF Crowe
Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 19 (3), 437-454, 2004
Visual analysis of single‐case time series: Effects of variability, serial dependence, and magnitude of intervention effects
TA Matyas, KM Greenwood
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis 23 (3), 341-351, 1990
Intelligence and Duchenne muscular dystrophy: full-scale, verbal, and performance intelligence quotients
S Cotton, NJ Voudouris, KM Greenwood
Developmental medicine and child neurology 43 (7), 497-501, 2001
Research methods for nursing and health science
V Minichiello, G Sullivan, K Greenwood, R Axford
Pearson Education Australia, 2004
The efficacy of mnemonic components of the cognitive interview: Towards a shortened variant for time‐critical investigations
MR Davis, M McMahon, KM Greenwood
Applied cognitive psychology 19 (1), 75-93, 2005
Self-reported voice problems among three groups of professional singers
DJ Phyland, J Oates, KM Greenwood
Journal of Voice 13 (4), 602-611, 1999
A comparison of mothers' and fathers' experience of parenting stress and attributions for parent–child interaction outcomes
SA Esdaile, KM Greenwood
Occupational therapy international 10 (2), 115-126, 2003
Association between intellectual functioning and age in children and young adults with Duchenne muscular dystrophy: further results from a meta-analysis
SM Cotton, NJ Voudouris, KM Greenwood
Developmental medicine and child neurology 47 (4), 257-265, 2005
Coping with hallucinated voices in schizophrenia: a review of self-initiated strategies and therapeutic interventions
J Farhall, KM Greenwood, HJ Jackson
Clinical Psychology Review 27 (4), 476-493, 2007
Accuracy and reliability of observational gait analysis data: judgments of push-off in gait after stroke
JL McGinley, PA Goldie, KM Greenwood, SJ Olney
Physical Therapy 83 (2), 146-160, 2003
Retest reliability of the temporal and distance characteristics of hemiplegic gait using a footswitch system
KD Hill, PA Goldie, PA Baker, KM Greenwood
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 75 (5), 577-583, 1994
Long-term stability and psychometric properties of the compositescale of morningness
KM Greenwood
Ergonomics 37 (2), 377-383, 1994
Serial dependency in single-case time series
TA Matyas, KM Greenwood
Design and analysis of single-case research, 215-243, 2014
The high-level mobility assessment tool (HiMAT) for traumatic brain injury. Part 2: content validity and discriminability
GP Williams, V Robertson, KM Greenwood, PA Goldie, ME Morris
Brain Injury 19 (10), 833-843, 2005
Chinese students studying at Australian universities with specific reference to nursing students: A narrative literature review
CC Wang, K Andre, KM Greenwood
Nurse Education Today 35 (4), 609-619, 2015
Relationships between measures of dysfunctional breathing in a population with concerns about their breathing
R Courtney, KM Greenwood, M Cohen
Journal of bodywork and movement therapies 15 (1), 24-34, 2011
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