Shadrack Nyawade
Shadrack Nyawade
University of Nairobi
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe cgiar.org
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Revisiting intercropping indices with respect to potato-legume intercropping systems
HI Gitari, SO Nyawade, S Kamau, NN Karanja, CKK Gachene, MA Raza, ...
Field Crops Research 258, 107957, 2020
Controlling soil erosion in smallholder potato farming systems using legume intercrops
SO Nyawade, CKK Gachene, NN Karanja, HI Gitari, ...
Geoderma Regional 17, e00225, 2019
Short-term dynamics of soil organic matter fractions and microbial activity in smallholder potato-legume intercropping systems
SO Nyawade, NN Karanja, CKK Gachene, HI Gitari, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 142, 123-135, 2019
Optimizing yield and economic returns of rain-fed potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) through water conservation under potato-legume intercropping systems
ESG H.I Gitari, C.K.K Gachene, N.N Karanja, S Kamau, S Nyawade, K Sharma
Agricultural Water Management 208, 59-66, 2018
Potato-legume intercropping on a sloping terrain and its effects on soil physico-chemical properties
HI Gitari, CKK Gachene, NN Karanja, S Kamau, S Nyawade, ...
Plant and Soil 438, 447-460, 2019
Intercropping optimizes soil temperature and increases crop water productivity and radiation use efficiency of rainfed potato
SO Nyawade, NN Karanja, CKK Gachene, HI Gitari, ...
American Journal of Potato Research 96 (5), 457-471, 2019
Assessment of soil fertility and potato crop nutrient status in central and eastern highlands of Kenya
JN Mugo, NN Karanja, CK Gachene, K Dittert, SO Nyawade, ...
Scientific reports 10 (1), 7779, 2020
Enhancing climate resilience of rain-fed potato through legume intercropping and silicon application
S Nyawade, HI Gitari, NN Karanja, CKK Gachene, E Schulte-Geldermann, ...
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 4, 566345, 2020
Soil and water conservation: An overview
CKK Gachene, SO Nyawade, NN Karanja
Zero Hunger, 810-823, 2020
Optimizing soil nitrogen balance in a potato cropping system through legume intercropping
SO Nyawade, NN Karanja, CKK Gachene, HI Gitari, ...
Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 117, 43-59, 2020
Effect of potato hilling on soil temperature, soil moisture distribution and sediment yield on a sloping terrain
SO Nyawade, NN Karanja, CKK Gachene, E Schulte-Geldermann, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 184, 24-36, 2018
Susceptibility of Soil Organic Matter Fractions to Soil Erosion Under Potato-Legume Intercropping Systems in Central Kenya
ESG Shadrack Nyawade, Charles Gachene, Nancy Karanja
Soil and Water Conservation, 2018
Increasing potato equivalent yield increases returns to investment under potato-legume intercropping systems
HI Gitari, SO Nyawade, S Kamau, CK K Gachene, NN Karanja, ...
Open Agriculture 4 (1), 623-629, 2019
Yield and evapotranspiration characteristics of potato-legume intercropping simulated using a dual coefficient approach in a tropical highland
SO Nyawade, HI Gitari, NN Karanja, CKK Gachene, ...
Field Crops Research 274, 108327, 2021
Effect of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cropping systems on soil and nutrient losses through runoff in a humic nitisol
SO Nyawade
University of Nairobi, 2015
Lupin and Lima beans diminish Potatoes’ N and P uptake, uptake efficiency and use efficiency
MA Haile, NN Karanja, SO Nyawade, HI Gitari, G Cheruto, L Nyawira, ...
Potato Research 67 (1), 37-53, 2024
Geoderma regional controlling soil erosion in smallholder potato farming systems using legume intercrops
SO Nyawade, CKK Gachene, NN Karanja, HI Gitari, ...
Geoderma Reg 17 (2019), 1-11, 2020
Effect of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Cropping Systems on Soil and Nutrient Losses Through Runoff in a Humic Nitisol, Kenya
S Nyawade, G Charles, N Karanja, SG Elmar
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EPSC2016-6629, 2016
Can rooted apical cuttings complement seed systems to improve availability of quality seed potato in Africa?—The case of Kenya
P Wauters, J Hutchings, F Munguti, D Borus, S Nyawade, EO Atieno, ...
Crop Science 64 (3), 1294-1310, 2024
Potato-legume intercropping enhances climate resilience and adaptive capacity of smallholder farmers. Research Brief 03.
S Nyawade, E Vandamme, M Friedmann, M Parker
International Potato Center, 2020
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