Zachary A. King
Zachary A. King
Afiliere necunoscută
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BiGG Models: A platform for integrating, standardizing and sharing genome-scale models
ZA King, J Lu, A Dräger, P Miller, S Federowicz, JA Lerman, A Ebrahim, ...
Nucleic acids research 44 (D1), D515-D522, 2016
Constraint-based models predict metabolic and associated cellular functions
A Bordbar, JM Monk, ZA King, BO Palsson
Nature Reviews Genetics 15 (2), 107-120, 2014
iML1515, a knowledgebase that computes Escherichia coli traits
JM Monk, CJ Lloyd, E Brunk, N Mih, A Sastry, Z King, R Takeuchi, ...
Nature biotechnology 35 (10), 904-908, 2017
MEMOTE for standardized genome-scale metabolic model testing
C Lieven, ME Beber, BG Olivier, FT Bergmann, M Ataman, P Babaei, ...
Nature biotechnology 38 (3), 272-276, 2020
Escher: a web application for building, sharing, and embedding data-rich visualizations of biological pathways
ZA King, A Dräger, A Ebrahim, N Sonnenschein, NE Lewis, BO Palsson
PLoS computational biology 11 (8), e1004321, 2015
In vitro and in vivo evaluation of PEDOT microelectrodes for neural stimulation and recording
S Venkatraman, J Hendricks, ZA King, AJ Sereno, S Richardson-Burns, ...
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 19 (3 …, 2011
A consensus genome-scale reconstruction of Chinese hamster ovary cell metabolism
H Hefzi, KS Ang, M Hanscho, A Bordbar, D Ruckerbauer, M Lakshmanan, ...
Cell systems 3 (5), 434-443. e8, 2016
BiGG Models 2020: multi-strain genome-scale models and expansion across the phylogenetic tree
CJ Norsigian, N Pusarla, JL McConn, JT Yurkovich, A Dräger, BO Palsson, ...
Nucleic acids research 48 (D1), D402-D406, 2020
The Escherichia coli transcriptome mostly consists of independently regulated modules
AV Sastry, Y Gao, R Szubin, Y Hefner, S Xu, D Kim, KS Choudhary, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5536, 2019
Next-generation genome-scale models for metabolic engineering
ZA King, CJ Lloyd, AM Feist, BO Palsson
Current opinion in biotechnology 35, 23-29, 2015
The morphology of poly (3, 4-ethylenedioxythiophene)
DC Martin, J Wu, CM Shaw, Z King, SA Spanninga, S Richardson-Burns, ...
Polymer Reviews 50 (3), 340-384, 2010
COBRAme: A computational framework for genome-scale models of metabolism and gene expression
CJ Lloyd, A Ebrahim, L Yang, ZA King, E Catoiu, EJ O’Brien, JK Liu, ...
PLoS computational biology 14 (7), e1006302, 2018
The y-ome defines the 35% of Escherichia coli genes that lack experimental evidence of function
S Ghatak, ZA King, A Sastry, BO Palsson
Nucleic acids research 47 (5), 2446-2454, 2019
Structural, chemical and electrochemical characterization of poly (3, 4-Ethylenedioxythiophene)(PEDOT) prepared with various counter-ions and heat treatments
ZA King, CM Shaw, SA Spanninga, DC Martin
Polymer 52 (5), 1302-1308, 2011
BOFdat: Generating biomass objective functions for genome-scale metabolic models from experimental data
JC Lachance, CJ Lloyd, JM Monk, L Yang, AV Sastry, Y Seif, BO Palsson, ...
PLoS computational biology 15 (4), e1006971, 2019
Co-electrodeposited hydrogel-conducting polymer electrodes for biomedical applications
S Richardson-Burns, JL Hendricks, DC Martin, A Sereno, Z King, E Jan
US Patent 9,084,546, 2015
Enzyme promiscuity shapes adaptation to novel growth substrates
GI Guzmán, TE Sandberg, RA LaCroix, Á Nyerges, H Papp, M de Raad, ...
Molecular systems biology 15 (4), e8462, 2019
A model‐driven quantitative metabolomics analysis of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism in E. coli K‐12 MG1655 that is biochemically and thermodynamically …
D McCloskey, JA Gangoiti, ZA King, RK Naviaux, BA Barshop, ...
Biotechnology and bioengineering 111 (4), 803-815, 2014
Escher-FBA: a web application for interactive flux balance analysis
E Rowe, BO Palsson, ZA King
BMC Systems Biology 12 (1), 84, 2018
Modeling the multi-scale mechanisms of macromolecular resource allocation
L Yang, JT Yurkovich, ZA King, BO Palsson
Current opinion in microbiology 45, 8-15, 2018
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