Raed Abu Zitar
Raed Abu Zitar
Liwa College, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe lc.ac.ae
Citat de
Citat de
Recognition of Arabic Sign Language (ArSL) using recurrent neural networks
M Maraqa, R Abu-Zaiter
1st International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and …, 2008
Review on COVID-19 diagnosis models based on machine learning and deep learning approaches
ZRA Alyasseri Z.A.A., Al-Betar M.A.,Doush I.A.,Awadallah M.A., Abasi A.K ...
Expert systems, e12759, 2021
An intensive and comprehensive overview of JAYA algorithm, its versions and applications
RA Zitar, MA Al-Betar, MA Awadallah, IA Doush, K Assaleh
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 29 (2), 763-792, 2022
Wind, solar, and photovoltaic renewable energy systems with and without energy storage optimization: A survey of advanced machine learning and deep learning techniques
L Abualigah, RA Zitar, KH Almotairi, AMA Hussein, M Abd Elaziz, ...
Energies 15 (2), 578, 2022
Multiclass feature selection with metaheuristic optimization algorithms: a review
OO Akinola, AE Ezugwu, JO Agushaka, RA Zitar, L Abualigah
Neural Computing and Applications 34 (22), 19751-19790, 2022
Gene selection for microarray data classification based on Gray Wolf Optimizer enhanced with TRIZ-inspired operators
OA Alomari, SN Makhadmeh, MA Al-Betar, ZAA Alyasseri, IA Doush, ...
Knowledge-Based Systems 223, 107034, 2021
Development of an efficient neural-based segmentation technique for Arabic handwriting recognition
HA Al Hamad, RA Zitar
Pattern Recognition 43 (8), 2773-2798, 2010
Arabic speech recognition using SPHINX engine
H Hyassat, R Abu Zitar
International Journal of Speech Technology 9, 133-150, 2006
Emotional agents: A modeling and an application
KA Maria, RA Zitar
Information and Software Technology 49 (7), 695-716, 2007
Development of Lévy flight-based reptile search algorithm with local search ability for power systems engineering design problems
S Ekinci, D Izci, R Abu Zitar, AR Alsoud, L Abualigah
Neural Computing and Applications 34 (22), 20263-20283, 2022
Application of genetic optimized artificial immune system and neural networks in spam detection
AH Mohammad, RA Zitar
Applied Soft Computing 11 (4), 3827-3845, 2011
Recent advances in Grey Wolf Optimizer, its versions and applications
SN Makhadmeh, MA Al-Betar, IA Doush, MA Awadallah, S Kassaymeh, ...
Ieee Access 12, 22991-23028, 2023
Revolutionizing sustainable supply chain management: A review of metaheuristics
L Abualigah, ES Hanandeh, RA Zitar, CL Thanh, S Khatir, AH Gandomi
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 126, 106839, 2023
Modified Elite Opposition-Based Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm for Designing FOPID Controlled Cruise Control System.
L Abualigah, S Ekinci, D Izci, RA Zitar
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing 38 (2), 2023
Gradient-based optimizer (GBO): a review, theory, variants, and applications
MS Daoud, M Shehab, HM Al-Mimi, L Abualigah, RA Zitar, ...
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 30 (4), 2431-2449, 2023
Support vector machine text classification system: Using Ant Colony Optimization based feature subset selection
A Moh'd Mesleh, G Kanaan
2008 International Conference on Computer Engineering & Systems, 143-148, 2008
The effect of AI on project and risk management in health care industry projects in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
ME Khatib, RA Zitar, A Al-Nakeeb
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (Netherlands), 2021, 6 …, 2021
Arabic writer identification based on hybrid spectral–statistical measures
A Al-Dmour, R Abu Zitar
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 19 (4), 307-332, 2007
Recent advances in harris hawks optimization: A comparative study and applications
AG Hussien, L Abualigah, R Abu Zitar, FA Hashim, M Amin, A Saber, ...
Electronics 11 (12), 1919, 2022
An enhanced binary Rat Swarm Optimizer based on local-best concepts of PSO and collaborative crossover operators for feature selection
MA Awadallah, MA Al-Betar, MS Braik, AI Hammouri, IA Doush, RA Zitar
Computers in Biology and Medicine 147, 105675, 2022
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