Yongbing Xu
Yongbing Xu
Chair Professor in Nanotechnology; Director, York-Nanjing Joint Center, The University of York,
Adresă de e-mail confirmată pe york.ac.uk
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Citat de
Evolution of the ferromagnetic phase of ultrathin Fe films grown on GaAs (100)-4× 6
YB Xu, ETM Kernohan, DJ Freeland, A Ercole, M Tselepi, JAC Bland
Physical Review B 58 (2), 890, 1998
Room-temperature intrinsic ferromagnetism in epitaxial CrTe2 ultrathin films
X Zhang, Q Lu, W Liu, W Niu, J Sun, J Cook, M Vaninger, PF Miceli, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2492, 2021
Planar carbon nanotube–graphene hybrid films for high-performance broadband photodetectors
Y Liu, F Wang, X Wang, X Wang, E Flahaut, X Liu, Y Li, X Wang, Y Xu, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 8589, 2015
A robust and tuneable mid-infrared optical switch enabled by bulk Dirac fermions
C Zhu, F Wang, Y Meng, X Yuan, F Xiu, H Luo, Y Wang, J Li, X Lv, L He, ...
Nature Communications 8 (1), 14111, 2017
A light-stimulated synaptic device based on graphene hybrid phototransistor
S Qin, F Wang, Y Liu, Q Wan, X Wang, Y Xu, Y Shi, X Wang, R Zhang
2D Materials 4 (3), 035022, 2017
Graphene Q-switched 2.78 μm Er3+-doped fluoride fiber laser
C Wei, X Zhu, F Wang, Y Xu, K Balakrishnan, F Song, RA Norwood, ...
Optics letters 38 (17), 3233-3236, 2013
Tm3Fe5O12/Pt Heterostructures with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy for Spintronic Applications
A Quindeau, CO Avci, W Liu, C Sun, M Mann, AS Tang, MC Onbasli, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 3 (1), 1600376, 2017
Heusler alloy/semiconductor hybrid structures
A Hirohata, M Kikuchi, N Tezuka, K Inomata, JS Claydon, YB Xu, ...
Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science 10 (2), 93-107, 2006
Evidence of both surface and bulk Dirac bands and anisotropic nonsaturating magnetoresistance in ZrSiS
X Wang, X Pan, M Gao, J Yu, J Jiang, J Zhang, H Zuo, M Zhang, Z Wei, ...
Adv. Electron. Mater 2 (10), 1600228, 2016
Sensitive and Ultrabroadband Phototransistor Based on Two‐Dimensional Bi2O2Se Nanosheets
T Tong, Y Chen, S Qin, W Li, J Zhang, C Zhu, C Zhang, X Yuan, X Chen, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 29 (50), 1905806, 2019
Handbook of spintronics
Y Xu, DD Awschalom, J Nitta
Springer Publishing Company, Incorporated, 2016
Broadband Bi2O2Se Photodetectors from Infrared to Terahertz
Y Chen, W Ma, C Tan, M Luo, W Zhou, N Yao, H Wang, L Zhang, T Xu, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 31 (14), 2009554, 2021
Epitaxial growth and magnetic properties of half-metallic on GaAs(100)
YX Lu, JS Claydon, YB Xu, SM Thompson, K Wilson, G Van der Laan
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (23), 233304, 2004
Hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic effects of Moringa oleifera leaves and their functional chemical constituents
GL Chen, YB Xu, JL Wu, N Li, MQ Guo
Food chemistry 333, 127478, 2020
Magnetization reversal and magnetoresistance in a lateral spin-injection device
WY Lee, S Gardelis, BC Choi, YB Xu, CG Smith, CHW Barnes, DA Ritchie, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 85 (9), 6682-6685, 1999
Direct Observation of Domain Wall Scattering in Patterned and Ni Nanowires <?format ?>by Current-Voltage Measurements
S Lepadatu, YB Xu
Physical review letters 92 (12), 127201, 2004
Carbon nanotube mode-locked thulium fiber laser with 200 nm tuning range
Y Meng, Y Li, Y Xu, F Wang
Scientific reports 7 (1), 45109, 2017
Enhancing Magnetic Ordering in Cr-Doped Bi2Se3 Using High-TC Ferrimagnetic Insulator
W Liu, L He, Y Xu, K Murata, MC Onbasli, M Lang, NJ Maltby, S Li, ...
Nano letters 15 (1), 764-769, 2015
Anisotropic lattice relaxation and uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in F e/I n A s (100)− 4× 2
YB Xu, DJ Freeland, M Tselepi, JAC Bland
Physical Review B 62 (2), 1167, 2000
Hybrid spintronic materials: Growth, structure and properties
W Liu, PKJ Wong, Y Xu
Progress in Materials Science 99, 27-105, 2019
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