Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Yuriy I. MazurAflați mai multe
Nu sunt disponibile nicăieri: 30
Measurement of coherent tunneling between InGaAs quantum wells and InAs quantum dots using photoluminescence spectroscopy
YI Mazur, VG Dorogan, D Guzun, E Marega Jr, GJ Salamo, GG Tarasov, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (15), 155413, 2010
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Multivalent ions control the transport through lysenin channels
D Fologea, E Krueger, R Al Faori, R Lee, YI Mazur, R Henry, M Arnold, ...
Biophysical Chemistry 152 (1-3), 40-45, 2010
Mandate: Howard Hughes Medical Institute
InAs/InGaP quantum dot solar cells with an AlGaAs interlayer
P Lam, J Wu, M Tang, D Kim, S Hatch, I Ramiro, VG Dorogan, ...
Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 144, 96-101, 2016
Mandate: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Asymmetrical reciprocal space mapping using X-ray diffraction: A technique for structural characterization of GaN/AlN superlattices
HV Stanchu, AV Kuchuk, M Barchuk, YI Mazur, VP Kladko, ZM Wang, ...
CrystEngComm 19 (22), 2977-2982, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Potential analytical applications of lysenin channels for detection of multivalent ions
D Fologea, R Al Faori, E Krueger, YI Mazur, M Kern, M Williams, ...
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 401, 1871-1879, 2011
Mandate: Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Quantitative correlation study of dislocation generation, strain relief, and Sn outdiffusion in thermally annealed GeSn epilayers
HV Stanchu, AV Kuchuk, YI Mazur, K Pandey, FM de Oliveira, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 21 (3), 1666-1673, 2021
Mandate: US Department of Defense
Comparative study of photoluminescence from In0. 3Ga0. 7As/GaAs surface and buried quantum dots
G Wang, B Liang, BC Juang, A Das, MC Debnath, DL Huffaker, YI Mazur, ...
Nanotechnology 27 (46), 465701, 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Low thermal drift in highly sensitive doped channel Al0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs/In0.2Ga0.8As micro-Hall element
VP Kunets, J Dobbert, YI Mazur, GJ Salamo, U Müller, WT Masselink, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 19, 776-782, 2008
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Type-II characteristics of photoluminescence from InGaAs/GaAs surface quantum dots due to Fermi level pinning effect
X Liu, J Liu, B Liang, Y Wang, Y Guo, C Wang, S Wang, G Fu, YI Mazur, ...
Applied Surface Science 578, 152066, 2022
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Quantum beats in hybrid metal–semiconductor nanostructures
CK Dass, T Jarvis, VP Kunets, YI Mazur, GG Salamo, C Lienau, P Vasa, ...
ACS Photonics 2 (9), 1341-1347, 2015
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Compositionally graded AlGaN nanostructures: Strain distribution and X-ray diffraction reciprocal space mapping
H Stanchu, M Auf der Maur, AV Kuchuk, YI Mazur, M Sobanska, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 20 (3), 1543-1551, 2020
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Strained quantum well InAs micro-Hall sensors: Dependence of device performance on channel thickness
J Dobbert, VP Kunets, TA Morgan, D Guzun, YI Mazur, WT Masselink, ...
IEEE transactions on electron devices 55 (2), 695-700, 2008
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Charge carrier relaxation in InGaAs-GaAs quantum wire modulation-doped heterostructures
SV Kondratenko, SA Iliash, YI Mazur, VP Kunets, M Benamara, ...
Nanotechnology 28 (37), 375201, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
The continuum state in photoluminescence of type-II In0. 46Al0. 54As/Al0. 54Ga0. 46As quantum dots
L Su, B Liang, Y Wang, Q Guo, X Li, S Wang, G Fu, YI Mazur, ME Ware, ...
Applied Physics Letters 109 (18), 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Optical characterization of type-I to type-II band alignment transition in GaAs/AlxGa1− xAs quantum rings grown by droplet epitaxy
L Su, Y Wang, Q Guo, X Li, S Wang, G Fu, YI Mazur, ME Ware, GJ Salamo, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 50 (32), 32LT01, 2017
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Improving the Material Quality of GaAs Grown on the c-Plane Sapphire by Molecular Beam Epitaxy to Achieve Room-Temperature Photoluminescence
R Kumar, SK Saha, A Kuchuk, F Maia de Oliveira, KR Khiangte, SQ Yu, ...
Crystal Growth & Design 23 (10), 7385-7393, 2023
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Photoluminescence study of exciton localization in InGaAs bulk and InGaAs/InAlAs wide quantum well on InP (001) substrate
S Luo, Y Wang, B Liang, C Wang, S Wang, G Fu, YI Mazur, ME Ware, ...
Journal of Luminescence 246, 118827, 2022
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Spectroscopic signature of strain-induced quantum dots created by buried InAs quantum dots in an InGaAs quantum well
YI Mazur, VG Dorogan, E Marega, GG Tarasov, GJ Salamo
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (5), 2011
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Investigation of deep levels in InGaAs channels comprising thin layers of InAs
J Dobbert, VP Kunets, TA Morgan, D Guzun, YI Mazur, WT Masselink, ...
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 19, 797-800, 2008
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Comprehensive material study of Ge grown by aspect ratio trapping on Si substrate
H Stanchu, S Kryvyi, S Margiotta, M Cook, J Grant, H Tran, S Acharya, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57 (25), 255107, 2024
Mandate: US Department of Defense
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