Feminist dilemmas in fieldwork DL Wolf Routledge, 2018 | 1059 | 2018 |
The gender asset gap: What do we know and why does it matter? CD Deere, CR Doss Feminist economics 12 (1-2), 1-50, 2006 | 784 | 2006 |
Empowering women: Land and property rights in Latin America CD Deere, M Leon University of Pittsburgh Pre, 2001 | 770 | 2001 |
The gender asset gap: Land in Latin America CD Deere, M León World development 31 (6), 925-947, 2003 | 543 | 2003 |
Género, propiedad y empoderamiento CDML Deere México, DF, 2002 | 460* | 2002 |
The feminization of agriculture? Economic restructuring in rural Latin America CD Deere UNRISD Occasional Paper, 2005 | 406* | 2005 |
A conceptual framework for the empirical analysis of peasants CD Deere, A De Janvry American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 601-611, 1979 | 374 | 1979 |
Household and class relations: peasants and landlords in northern Peru CD Deere Univ of California Press, 1990 | 308 | 1990 |
Rural women's subsistence production in the capitalist periphery CD Deere, CD Deere Review of Radical Political Economics 8 (1), 9-17, 1976 | 305 | 1976 |
In the shadows of the sun: Caribbean development alternatives and US policy CD Deere Routledge, 2019 | 277 | 2019 |
O empoderamento da mulher: direitos à terra e direitos de propriedade na América Latina CD Deere Porto Alegre, 2002 | 272 | 2002 |
Property rights and the gender distribution of wealth in Ecuador, Ghana and India CD Deere, AD Oduro, H Swaminathan, C Doss The Journal of Economic Inequality 11, 249-265, 2013 | 247 | 2013 |
Gender and international migration: Globalization, development, and governance L Benería, C Diana Deere, N Kabeer Feminist Economics 18 (2), 1-33, 2012 | 221 | 2012 |
Gender inequality in asset ownership in Latin America: Female owners vs household heads C Diana Deere, GE Alvarado, J Twyman Development and change 43 (2), 505-530, 2012 | 221 | 2012 |
Peasant production, proletarianization, and the sexual division of labor in the Andes CD Deere, ML De Leal Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 7 (2), 338-360, 1981 | 214 | 1981 |
Os direitos da mulher à terra e os movimentos sociais rurais na reforma agrária brasileira CD Deere Revista Estudos Feministas 12, 175-204, 2004 | 191 | 2004 |
Women in Andean agriculture. Peasant production and rural wage employment in Colombia and Peru. CD Deere, M León de Leal | 190 | 1982 |
Gender and asset ownership: A guide to collecting individual-level data CR Doss, C Grown, CD Deere World Bank, 2008 | 163 | 2008 |
Who owns the land? Gender and land‐titling programmes in Latin America CD Deere, M León Journal of Agrarian Change 1 (3), 440-467, 2001 | 158 | 2001 |
Rural women and state policy: Feminist perspectives on Latin American agricultural development CD Deere, M León Routledge, 2019 | 151 | 2019 |