V D Ambeth Kumar
V D Ambeth Kumar
Associate Professor, Computer Engineering, Mizoram University
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Citat de
Black hole attack detection in vehicular ad-hoc network using secure AODV routing algorithm
A Kumar, V Varadarajan, A Kumar, P Dadheech, SS Choudhary, ...
Microprocessors and Microsystems 80, 103352, 2021
Dense tissue pattern characterization using deep neural network
I Kumar, A Kumar, VDA Kumar, R Kannan, V Vimal, KU Singh, M Mahmud
Cognitive computation 14 (5), 1728-1751, 2022
Active volume control in smart phones based on user activity and ambient noise
VD Ambeth Kumar, S Malathi, A Kumar, KC Veluvolu
Sensors 20 (15), 4117, 2020
Credit card fraud detection using data analytic techniques
K Vengatesan, A Kumar, S Yuvraj, V Kumar, S Sabnis
Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 9 (3), 1185-1196, 2020
Comparative analysis of data mining techniques to predict heart disease for diabetic patients
A Kumar, P Kumar, A Srivastava, VD Ambeth Kumar, K Vengatesan, ...
Advances in Computing and Data Sciences: 4th International Conference …, 2020
Facial recognition system for suspect identification using a surveillance camera
VDA Kumar, VDA Kumar, S Malathi, K Vengatesan, M Ramakrishnan
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 28, 410-420, 2018
A novel solution for finding postpartum haemorrhage using fuzzy neural techniques
VDA Kumar, S Sharmila, A Kumar, AK Bashir, M Rashid, SK Gupta, ...
Neural Computing and Applications, 1-14, 2023
Legacy of Footprints- A Review
A Kumar
International Journal of Computer Applications 35 (11), 2011
Efficient data transfer in edge envisioned environment using artificial intelligence based edge node algorithm
VDA Kumar, A Kumar, RS Batth, M Rashid, SK Gupta, M Raghuraman
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 32 (6), e4110, 2021
Exploration of an innovative geometric parameter based on performance enhancement for foot print recognition
VD Ambeth Kumar, S Malathi, R Venkatesan, K Ramalakshmi, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 38 (2), 2181-2196, 2020
IoT-enabled classification of echocardiogram images for cardiovascular disease risk prediction with pre-trained recurrent convolutional neural networks
C Balakrishnan, VD Ambeth Kumar
Diagnostics 13 (4), 775, 2023
Recurrent neural network based text summarization techniques by word sequence generation
RS Shini, VDA Kumar
2021 6th international conference on inventive computation technologies …, 2021
Ramalakshmi V,“Effective Online Medical Appointment System”
SH Kumar, JU Kiran, VDA Kumar, G Saranya
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 8 (09), 803-805, 2019
Footprint recognition using modified sequential haar energy transform (MSHET)
VDA Kumar, M Ramakrishnan
IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues 7 (3), 2010
Human security from death defying gases using an intelligent sensor system
KVD Ambeth
Sensing and bio-sensing research 7, 107-114, 2016
IOT-based smart museum using wearable device
VD Ambeth Kumar, G Saranya, D Elangovan, VR Chiranjeevi, ...
International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications …, 2019
Outlier Based Skimpy Regularization Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Diabetic Retinopathy Image Segmentation
S Hemamalini, VDA Kumar
Symmetry 14 (12), 2512, 2022
Distance based pattern driven mining for outlier detection in high dimensional big dataset
A Kumar, A Kumar, AK Bashir, M Rashid, VDA Kumar, R Kharel
ACM Transactions on Management Information System (TMIS) 13 (1), 1-17, 2021
Automation of image categorization with most relevant negatives
VDA Kumar, VDA Kumar
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis 27, 371-379, 2017
Efficient routing for low rate wireless network-a novel approach
VDA Kumar, VDA Kumar, M Ramakrishnan, S Malathi, A Govardhan
International Journal of Image Mining 2 (3-4), 208-230, 2017
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