Articole cu mandate pentru acces public - Michael TD WingateAflați mai multe
Nu sunt disponibile nicăieri: 13
The burning heart—The Proterozoic geology and geological evolution of the west Musgrave Region, central Australia
HM Howard, RH Smithies, CL Kirkland, DE Kelsey, A Aitken, ...
Gondwana Research 27 (1), 64-94, 2015
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Oxygen isotopes trace the origins of Earth’s earliest continental crust
RH Smithies, Y Lu, CL Kirkland, TE Johnson, DR Mole, DC Champion, ...
Nature 592 (7852), 70-75, 2021
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Structure and timing of Neoarchean gold mineralization in the Southern Cross district (Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia) suggest leading role of late Low-Ca I-type granite …
MP Doublier, N Thébaud, MTD Wingate, SS Romano, CL Kirkland, ...
Journal of Structural Geology 67, 205-221, 2014
Mandate: Australian Research Council
The affinity of Archean crust on the Yilgarn—Albany–Fraser Orogen boundary: Implications for gold mineralisation in the Tropicana Zone
CL Kirkland, CV Spaggiari, RH Smithies, MTD Wingate, EA Belousova, ...
Precambrian Research 266, 260-281, 2015
Mandate: Australian Research Council
The petrogenesis of sodic granites in the Niujuanzi area and constraints on the Paleozoic tectonic evolution of the Beishan region, NW China
J Yu, L Guo, J Li, Y Li, RH Smithies, MTD Wingate, Y Meng, S Chen
Lithos 256, 250-268, 2016
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Buried but preserved: the proterozoic Arubiddy Ophiolite, Madura province, western Australia
CV Spaggiari, RH Smithies, CL Kirkland, MTD Wingate, RN England, ...
Precambrian Research 317, 137-158, 2018
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic gneisses reworked during a Neoproterozoic (Pan-African) high-grade event in the Mozambique belt of East Africa: Structural relationships and …
M Vogt, A Kröner, U Poller, H Sommer, S Muhongo, MTD Wingate
Journal of African Earth Sciences 45 (2), 139-155, 2006
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Uplift of the Lüliang Mountains at ca. 5.7 Ma: Insights from provenance of the Neogene eolian red clay of the eastern Chinese Loess Plateau
F Pan, J Li, Y Xu, MTD Wingate, L Yue, Y Li, L Guo, L Guo, R Xi
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 502, 63-73, 2018
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
A new method for dating impact events–thermal dependency on nanoscale Pb mobility in monazite shock twins
D Fougerouse, AJ Cavosie, T Erickson, SM Reddy, MA Cox, DW Saxey, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 314, 381-396, 2021
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Provenance of Neogene eolian red clay in the Altun region of western China—Insights from UPb detrital zircon age data
F Pan, J Li, Y Xu, L Yue, MTD Wingate, Y Li, L Guo, R Xi, L Guo
Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology 459, 488-494, 2016
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Barnicarndy Graben, southern Canning Basin: stratigraphy defined by the Barnicarndy 1 stratigraphic well
L Normore, PW Haines, LK Carr, P Henson, Y Zhan, MTD Wingate, ...
The APPEA Journal 61 (1), 224-235, 2021
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Late Neogene aridification and wind patterns in the Asian interior: Insight from the grain-size of eolian deposits in Altun Shan, northern Tibetan Plateau
Y Xu, J Li, F Pan, B Yang, Y Tang, Y Bi, T Li, L Yue, MTD Wingate
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 511, 532-540, 2018
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Detrital zircon geochronology of the Speewah Group, Kimberley region, Western Australia: evidence for intracratonic development of the Paleoproterozoic Speewah Basin
RR Ramsay, AE Eves, MTD Wingate, ML Fiorentini, G Batt, K Rogers, ...
Australian Journal of Earth Sciences 64 (3), 419-434, 2017
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Disponibile undeva: 25
Lithostratigraphic and geochronological constraints on the evolution of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt in SW Mongolia: Early Paleozoic rifting followed by late Paleozoic accretion
A Kröner, J Lehmann, K Schulmann, A Demoux, O Lexa, D Tomurhuu, ...
American Journal of Science 310 (7), 523-574, 2010
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Zircon ages from the Baydrag block and the Bayankhongor ophiolite zone: time constraints on late Neoproterozoic to Cambrian subduction-and accretion-related magmatism in …
A Demoux, A Kröner, G Badarch, P Jian, D Tomurhuu, MTD Wingate
The Journal of Geology 117 (4), 377-397, 2009
Mandate: German Research Foundation
Proterozoic granulite formation driven by mafic magmatism: an example from the Fraser Range Metamorphics, Western Australia
C Clark, CL Kirkland, CV Spaggiari, C Oorschot, MTD Wingate, RJ Taylor
Precambrian Research 240, 1-21, 2014
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Using in situ SHRIMP U-Pb monazite and xenotime geochronology to determine the age of orogenic gold mineralization: An example from the Paulsens mine, southern Pilbara craton
IOH Fielding, SP Johnson, JW Zi, B Rasmussen, JR Muhling, DJ Dunkley, ...
Economic Geology 112 (5), 1205-1230, 2017
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Genesis of the 1.21 Ga Marnda Moorn large igneous province by plume–lithosphere interaction
XC Wang, ZX Li, J Li, SA Pisarevsky, MTD Wingate
Precambrian Research 241, 85-103, 2014
Mandate: Australian Research Council
Timing and evolution of Cretaceous island arc magmatism in central Cuba: implications for the history of arc systems in the northwestern Caribbean
Y Rojas-Agramonte, A Kröner, A García-Casco, M Somin, ...
The Journal of Geology 119 (6), 619-640, 2011
Mandate: Government of Spain
SHRIMP zircon dating and Nd isotopic systematics of Palaeoproterozoic migmatitic orthogneisses in the Epupa Metamorphic Complex of northwestern Namibia
A Kröner, Y Rojas-Agramonte, E Hegner, KH Hoffmann, MTD Wingate
Precambrian Research 183 (1), 50-69, 2010
Mandate: German Research Foundation
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