Roberta Lima Gomes
Roberta Lima Gomes
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RDNA: Residue-defined networking architecture enabling ultra-reliable low-latency datacenters
A Liberato, M Martinello, RL Gomes, AF Beldachi, E Salas, R Villaca, ...
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 15 (4), 1473-1487, 2018
Iot data storage on a blockchain using smart contracts and ipfs
JP de Brito Gonçalves, G Spelta, R da Silva Villaça, RL Gomes
2022 IEEE international conference on blockchain (blockchain), 508-511, 2022
Sub-millisecond electron density profile measurement at the JET tokamak with the fast lithium beam emission spectroscopy system
DI Réfy, M Brix, R Gomes, B Tál, S Zoletnik, D Dunai, G Kocsis, S Kálvin, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 89 (4), 2018
Colab: A new paradigm and tool for collaboratively browsing the web
GJ Hoyos-Rivera, RL Gomes, R Willrich, JP Courtiat
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A: Systems and …, 2006
A flexible architecture for collaborative browsing
G de Jesús Hoyos-Rivera, R Lima-Gomes, JP Courtiat
Proceedings. Eleventh IEEE International Workshops on Enabling Technologies …, 2002
CoLab: a flexible collaborative Web browsing tool
G de Jesús Hoyos-Rivera, R Lima-Gomes, JP Courtiat
19th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2005
Programmable intelligent spaces for Industry 4.0: Indoor visual localization driving attocell networks
AP do Carmo, RF Vassallo, FM de Queiroz, R Picoreti, MR Fernandes, ...
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 30 (11), e3610, 2019
Loosely-coupled integration of CSCW systems
RL Gomes, GJH Rivera, JP Courtiat
Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems: 5th IFIP WG 6.1 …, 2005
Um arcabouço para detecçao e alerta de anomalias de mobilidade urbana em tempo real
M Thomé, A Prestes, R Gomes, V Mota
Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC …, 2020
IntroComp: Atraindo alunos do ensino médio para uma instigante experiência com a programação
L Meneses, LF Mai, J Rosario, E de Oliveira, R Gomes
Workshop sobre Educação em Computação (WEI), 366-375, 2015
Diagnóstico das condições crônicas em pediatria no Instituto Fernandes Figueira/FIOCRUZ: retrato da morbidade hospitalar e linhas de cuidados
MCN Moreira, EC Moura, R Gomes, LA Menezes, MRC Sá, RF Correia
Relatório parcial de pesquisa. Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, 2015
A service level agreement verification system using blockchains
JP de Brito Gonçalves, RL Gomes, R da Silva Villaca, E Municio, ...
2020 IEEE 11th International conference on software engineering and service …, 2020
Programmable residues defined networks for edge data centres
M Martinello, AB Liberato, AF Beldachi, K Kondepu, RL Gomes, R Villaca, ...
2017 13th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 1-9, 2017
Particle source and edge transport studies in JET H-mode gas puff modulation experiments
A Salmi, T Tala, P Mantica, A Järvinen, L Meneses, S Mordijck, V Naulin, ...
42nd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, 2015
A quality of service compliance system empowered by smart contracts and oracles
JP de Brito Gonçalves, RL Gomes, R da Silva Villaca, E Municio, ...
2020 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain (Blockchain), 532-538, 2020
LEICA: un environnement faiblement couplé pour l'intégration d'applications collaboratives
RL Gomes
Université Paul Sabatier-Toulouse III, 2006
A loosely coupled integration environment for collaborative applications
RL Gomes, G de Jesús Hoyos-Rivera, R Willrich, CV Lima, JP Courtiat
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics-Part A: Systems and …, 2011
Um Ambiente para Integração de Aplicações Colaborativas
RL Gomes, GJH Hoyos-Rivera, JP Courtiat
Simpósio Brasileiro em Sistemas Colaborativos, 2006
How can emerging applications benefit from EaaS in open programmable infrastructures?
RL Gomes, M Martinello, CK Dominicini, P Hasse, R Villaca, RF Vassallo, ...
2017 IEEE First Summer School on Smart Cities (S3C), 73-78, 2017
Integrating collaborative applications with LEICA
RL Gomes, GJH Rivera, JP Courtiat
ITRE 2005. 3rd International Conference on Information Technology: Research …, 2005
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